Congrads! :grin: :grin:
I do agree with that (bread basket) shot because it is a very high percentage shot. Just pretend that there is a softball in the center of the animals chest. No matter what the angle is, you aim to place your bullet through this area.
I have never killed a deer with anything other than a muzzeloader with numbers being in the high teens. It is accurate enough to hunt squirrels with but quite deadly on the deer using a 175gr .490 patched ball moving over 1,800fps w/80gr ffg.
This is a pip-squeak load in these days of inline pyrodex & sabot/240gr jacketed at over 2,000fps but I have No Bad Storys To Tell.
I will hunt deer with a handgun this year and is a first for me. Hope my luck is as good as yours and your muzzeloading experience will be as good as mine has.