Oh, Kerry had HIS film crew working while he was fighting? Bullxxxx! During my two tours in Vietnam I never seen a personal film crew for anyone. The military had their film crews and from time to time we would see a pool reporter with a film crew.
I never said Kerry was worth a crap, but when you speak of persons that are lower than whale dung don't forget to mention mister draft dodger George W. Bush. Oh sure, he was a member of the Texas Air National Guard, but he couldn't even live up to their standards. I'm not knocking Reserve or National Guard folks, I served with some outstanding troops that were activated during Nam. Their daddys didn't pull strings to keep them home, they served and died with the rest of us. Keeping a bar stool warm in Houston while wearing a flight suit does not qualify Mr Bush@t to be Commander in Chief.
As for Kerry and his taxes, what do you think this is a free ride? With out the tax dollars this country can not survive. Today's news, "Bush gets debt-limit increased", 800 billion dollars. He is totally out of control, it will be extremely hard to fund future initiatives without getting in our pockets at some point. He has obligated 4.7 billion dollars a day toward the war in Iraq. We also have two possible really bad actors we may have to deal with at some point, that being Iran and North Korea. Where will the money come from to "protect" against these foes?
If Bush is such a morally correct man, how can he justify killing all the women and children we are responsible for in Iraq? Why is his cabinet deserting him like a bunch of rats off a sinking ship?
Stay tuned to the Bush adminstration, watch him start a draft because he is running out of "targets", watch for a tax increase on middle Americans. And while doing that, load some ammo, you may need it when the country is broke.
Take a drive through this country, look at the bridges, roads, federal buildings. Look at the number of people out of work, the homeless, many insane because funding is not available to house them. Look at the criminals being set free because of the cost to maintain them. Right now, we are a country at war with its self because we do not have a leader.
Politically, I belong to the Unique Individual Party. It has one member, me. Like Jefferson, I refuse to submit my will to the rule of any group of men. I have no stomach for the groupthink of Democrats, Republicans or Whateverians. I hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that each is endowed with certain unalienable rights - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that government derives its just powers from consent of the governed.
Left to Bush, Tom DeLay and their cronies, it will be King George........
Just my thoughts.