My best accuracy has always been with 150gr Ballistic Tips and W748. Sub-1" groups are typical with this combo in my barrel. I have been playing with the 130gr Hornady SSSP's but haven't found a combo that shoots as well yet. In a pinch, I also can replace the 150 BT's with 150gr Speer SP flat-base bullets and do pretty well. Not to the level of the BT's, but they have shot 1-2" groups pretty regularly at 100yds.
Unfortunately I can't give you any actual in the field data on any of the bullets because I have yet to shoot a deer with a Contender! I've tried carrying it exclusively in the past to try to force the issue, but the opportunity never materialized! I would be willing to bet that deer don't like the 150gr BT's very much, though!!
... Crayfish