Author Topic: Good day gone way bad  (Read 670 times)

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Offline Dan Mich Trapper

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Good day gone way bad
« on: November 07, 2004, 04:59:14 PM »
I started the day out pretty well on Sat. I started running the line with my son . First two traps checked held decent coon . Next stop held a small coon ( this is where the day started going south ) that I was going to release . As I got closer , the coon never moved . I saw it was dead and had an arrow through it . Guy musta thought he was doing me a favor .Oh well , I took ythe coon and remade the set . A bunch of stuff fell out of my shirt pocket into the water , I gathered it all up and headed back to the truck . The next stop was the gas station . I pumped my gas , went in to pay and found I had lost my checkbook . I grabbed for my cell phone to call my girlfriend and that was gone too . So I went back to the river and sure nuff , were I'd parked was the checkbook . Walked all the way back down the river to where I lost the stuff from my pocket . No phone . I wrote it off as lost . Anyhow , I went back to the gas station and paid for my gas . I didnt bother checking the rest of my water line as everything was on drowners and it was dark anyways so I decided to take my dad coonhunting . On my way to dads , I stopped by the first coon sets I had checked and found my phone there , next to a dirthole .  We left about 9:30 and hunted till about 10:30 when the dog hit a track . She never barked , I told dad she wasn't on a coon trail so I called her off . She didn't come back . We listened and finally heard her let out a strange bark . I told my dad that wasn't good  , she never barked like that before so I knew it wasn't right . A few minutes later my phone rang and the fella asked if I had a dog named liberty , I told him I did and he said she was at his house . Told him I'd be right over and he informed me she had a face full of quills . We got to his house and spent about  1 1/2 hours pulling quills . This was her first experience with that and hopefully the last .

Today wnt alot better , I ibn the shed skinning , beats pulling quills .
If an animal activist is being mauled by a bear should we stop it , or , " let nature take its course?"

Offline Wackyquacker

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2004, 03:26:54 AM »
DMT, I never could decide which was worse a dog with a mouth filled with quills or one retrieving a skunk into the house. :x

Now as too your pocket problems...I recommend buttons and leaving the cell phone in the truck.  I realize that animals get educated but, I doubt if you'll ever get one to call you when he's got caught.  Hell, it'd probably call HSUS first :oops:

Offline Graybeard

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2004, 04:40:51 AM »
Hell, it'd probably call HSUS first

No that would truly be a wasted phone call. HSUS has never done anything to help an animal, only to give hunters, trappers and fishermen a hard time.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline Asa Lenon

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2004, 07:03:54 AM »
:grin: Hey Dan, Isn't the great outdoors great! :) Seriously, I know what you mean by "those days!"  Ace

Offline RdFx

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Ohh BOy
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2004, 12:36:32 PM »
Yep Dan had those days and im sure there will be more.  Main thing is try to be positive about it and  dont let it get you down (too much).  I  hope you have many more late nites in the skinning shed. Talking about yr hound and the quill pig,  i had a hound that didnt ever learn  after first quill  experience he killed every porky he came on to  and  i was  always picking quills at least once a season.  Dog was very good but was hard headed on  porkys.  Good Luck on your line.

Offline IlliniTrapper15

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2004, 02:11:53 PM »
lol that really stinks i mean i thought i had been having some bad days but you took the cake leave your cell phone in your truck lol heck every one pokes fun at me cause i have bad times losing traps having them damaged falling down gowing through the ice falling into water  cutin myself on wire but i have never had such a bad day as that hope the rest of your days this season and from here out get better
Season Starts November 5th!!!

Offline Dan Mich Trapper

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2004, 04:42:58 PM »
The cell phone thing was habit . Its always in my pocket and dont even remember till I wanna use it .

This was all building up so I think that was the "eruption " so maybe all will go better now .

 It started Oct 15 when K9 season opened ....
    1.  A piece of my berkshire driver chipped off and hit my arm . Small laceration but bled like a stuck hog .
    2. Same day , same farm , was cutting a piece of wire when my pliers slipped and pinched my finger so bad I still have pain in that bone . It also bled profusely .Had To run home for bandades  :oops:  .
    3. Got a skunk about a week into K9 season ( one of many ) and while skinning had it squirt it's stink all over the side of my head and in my ear and hair .
    4. Nov. 1st while getting my water line out I trippedover a rock in a culvert in about 3 feet of water and got soaked and froze .
    5. While checking traps on Nov 4th , a tree limb smashed the passanger side door window out of my truck , it was raining that day . Only set me back $85 .
    Then on the 6th was the big day when everything erupted . Its only been two days but all seems well for now . :wink:
If an animal activist is being mauled by a bear should we stop it , or , " let nature take its course?"

Offline RdFx

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« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2004, 04:55:35 PM »
hmmm Dan sounds like a normal trappers day.  Sheesh what you do install a bullet proof window....?  Run  over to junk yard and take one out and put it in.... or better yet tape some plastic over window  :)   Can you imagine how many  would be trappers would be out  getting in your way trapping if  it was all roses, with no accidents or falling in water! :wink:

Offline Dan Mich Trapper

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2004, 05:39:26 PM »
Excellent point !! The window thing was ok cause I have always had the good ol' duct tape fly window , but got both when I went to the junkyard .
If an animal activist is being mauled by a bear should we stop it , or , " let nature take its course?"

Offline Dave Lyons

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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2004, 08:22:58 AM »
Dan keep that luck my friend.


Dan I am sorry man you have supplied me with laughter all season.

I have one for you today.  I just laugh like a little kid.  This year I swiched to all cable stakes ( Thank You Mallard ).  Well my thief of traps went into the bucket.  I love it I have seen to location were a person tried like heck to pull the trap out but the trap was still there in the morning.  I hope the person is in having hernire surgry.  Anyway today at one location I looked down at a trap and just bust a gut.  The sucker was ran over by a bulldozer.  I thought combines did them in but you should see this trap #3 bridger flat as a pancake.  All I could do was laugh.  1 trap in the parts barrel.  This is way better then my normal 1 doz stolen.

MTA District 8 Director

Offline Dan Mich Trapper

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2004, 12:50:04 PM »
Heres another for ya Dave , did you happen to set a ground hog trap for Bill ? Maybe he didnt tell ya so I'll wait another day or two , then I'll tell the world the rest of the story .lol
If an animal activist is being mauled by a bear should we stop it , or , " let nature take its course?"

Offline Dave Lyons

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« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2004, 07:03:59 AM »
SO my good buddy told the whole world hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will tell you when your have that much fun sometimes we forget a few things...........................

Thats already Dan tell everyone.  I will still hold my head up high.

MTA District 8 Director

Offline Mallard

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« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2004, 07:39:27 AM »
Didn't tell a sole Dave.....he was in the truck. lol  I prefer giving the ol' hogs a good warning anyway. heehee. We made up for it with a nice yote 20' from the crawl under at the orchard, so all's good. :)
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Offline Dave Lyons

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« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2004, 07:45:22 AM »
Great so you did catch a dog in the dirthole just south of the crawl under.  Sweet..

MTA District 8 Director

Offline Mallard

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« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2004, 08:50:28 AM »
Dirt hole was turned into a mouse hole set after a grinner tore things up a bit on the previous check. Cross under was filled with a coon, so I assume the yote made its way through the gate after the lights went out. Farmer claims he'd never seen a coyote within the fenced in orchard. Pretty suprised myself, as I've never seen any sign either, just fox. When I first saw the top of his head I blurted out to Steve...."Monster red.....Er ah.....Redish yote." lol

So much for the "can't catch a coyote after a grinner catch" (I never bought into that anyway)
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Offline jim-NE

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Good day gone way bad
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2004, 01:29:08 AM »
You know, my wife still claims I "pushed" her off of that beaver dam several years back. I was over 50 yards away from her watching her trying to lean over and dig a little shelf for a rat set. Next thing I know she was yelling and I couldn't see her anymore. I ran over and looked over the edge...and all I could see of her was her face up out of the water (rest of her was underwater) and her two hands gripping a tree root. I grabbed her hand and hauled her out. Had to walk across about 85 acres of plowed corn stalks, into the teeth of a nasty north wind. All I could think about was getting her to the car and getting her warmed up before the hypothermia set in.
I've lost equipment, had equipment stolen, had animals shot to heck and equipment ran over because they couldn't pull the cable stakes, too. Nothing mattered to me more than getting my wife to safety that day. We laugh about it today (how I "pushed" her in) and how she tossed my good coon trowel over the bank when she went in...but we remember what a crappy day that really was, and how awful it could have been.