Thank you all for the warm welcome.
Nixter; My rifle looks like yours, but I have the pistol grip style survivor buttstock.
Leftoverdj; I've always figured that plain base bullets were good up to about 1600 fps and gas checks from there up to about 2200. Does this agree with your information??
Bullet molds I'm, currently using are as follows.
Lee; 30 cal 160 and 180 grain round nose
358 148gr wadcutter
140 grain semi wadcutter
429 240 grain semi wad cutter
240 grain semi wad cutter hollow point
457 405 grain flat point
405 grain flat point hollow point
RCBS 44-245-SWC
Ideal 358 439 158 grain swc hollow point
Lyman 252435 22 cal 50 grain round nose
358315 204 grain round nose
I also have several round ball molds that I use mostly for sling shot ammo and several molds for jigs and split shot. I think that about covers it.
Again thanks all for the welcome. Dale