I used a 10" 30 Carbine for a lot of years in IHMSA - was the most accurate Contender barrel that I have ever owned. 2 loads stood out - Sierra 125 Spitzer - 14.2 of 296 CCI-400 primer, and Sierra 150 Spitzer - 13 of 296 CCI-400 primer. Theses were MAX in my barrel, so, work up accordingly. Also, for a regular all-around load. I used the Remington 110 Roundnose Soft point with 14 - 296, CCI-400 primer. This load is also very accurate and pleasant to shoot. The only thing that is a problem with the 30 Carbine in a Contender is brass life. This little cartridge has a strong tendency to stretch, and, the Contender chambers are a bit on the "loose" side. But brass is cheap !! - I no longer have a 30 Carbine barrel - but I plan to get another ---- ENJOY !