So here I am in the southern zone enjoying my next to last weekend of bow hunting before gun season begins (Next week), and it sounds like a WAR zone. At 6am, emptying a shotgun is hardly sighting in!!! This continued for the next 1.5 hours. Now the deer are all spooked, I soiled my pants :shock: and Im pissed. How many of you can stay in a stand all while all pissed off?
After this butt-head finally stopped, I could hear others blasting away in the distance! I was so distressed and confused that I went home to check the season dates, to see if they were changed....NOPE!
This early in the morning (pre- 9am), target shooting is a no-no. What am I missing? Do I have the wrong concept of bow hunting? I thought we were supposed to use a BOW!!!
It is times like this I wish I had a cell phone to call the DEC. But they wouldn't do much, Im sure. I only see them when nobody is doing anything wrong.
This was all on privately owned property - not enough to really target shoot on.
Sorry for the rant, but I had to get this out.
BTW, they weren't small game or bird hunting either - too many shots, and in a very good deer area (thats why Im there).
This reminds me of a time when some A-hole didn't like me hunting on my friends property (he was trespassing), and started to SHOOT at me to scare me off. Its a good thing that he was several hundred yards off, other wise the cops would really have had something to do. :twisted:
He left real fast after that!! (I mostly muzzleload - not much of a threat, but LOOKS intimidating)
Come on guys, lets think before we act. There's enough against us for hunting and gun ownership, that we dont need to fuel the anti's quest.