After I got my archery buck Saturday morning I refocused on getting a hunting load working for my G2 to fill the doe tags....
Loaded up 100 rounds of 23.0g W296 behind a Hornady 240g XTP and CCI 350 primers Saturday night on the reccomendation of a friend. Took the G2 w/ 10" .44MAG topped with Leupold 4x to the range at lunch today....
I AM STUNNED AT HOW WELL THIS THING SHOOTs @ 100 YDS. It will definitely shoot way better than I can! After I got her on the paper I cut several 6 shot sub 2.5inch groups off the bag at 100yds.
These groups may not be impressive to most of those on here, but considering I am a neophyte in the handgunning realm at that distance, I was amazed. I was having trouble in that I kept forgetting to get my idle hand out of the way from the trigger guard and got bit a few times.
This load proved to be substantially tamer in the recoil department than the previous loads I have been working with.