I will add some money math as well...
Get you a CZ 452 American (
http://www.whittakerguns.com/) and try out some wolf or SK or another $2.50 a box ammo. The rifle can be had for $325 OTD ($285 for rifle, $10 Ship, $30 FFL, no-tax) or less iif you search around. Put Brookies $14 trigger up-grade into it and save all the instructions, BOXES, manuals, etc. Treat this like you will need it later...
Shoot the sport, you will have the equipment to shoot in both classes.
Now fast forward a couple of years. You now have decided witch rifle(s) you want ( I just got my 1712 and 1808's last year). Now you have two choices.
1. you take and box up the "Like New" but used CZ and post it for sale for let's say $250 shipped. By this time you will have found the rifle's ammo prefrence and can help a less expereinced shooter out. Will the right photos of the rifle, p/w, manual, test ammo targets, and a $ back guarntee.. this set up will sell at this price in less than a week. Might be able to sell for more. You will have got far more than YOUR $90 in experience and usefullness out of the rifle and someone will get a bargin in return!
2. I know some gasp at the thought of selling a rifle, so keep it. It's a heck of a $300 tree rat gun. Better than a $800 tree rat gun b/c we both know you are going to keep it..LOL
Sorry for the babble..hope this helps.
PS> CZ and Wolf/SK should have NO problems shooting 1.5" at the rams and that more than you will need for a number of years (maybe ever the way I'm progressing..LOL)