Author Topic: Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.  (Read 926 times)

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Offline nanaimoman

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« on: November 19, 2004, 05:06:46 AM »
I'm just starting out in .22lr silhouette shooting, and I'm using my custom Ruger 10/22 for now.  I've been advised by almost everyone that bolt action is the way to go, so I'm now in the market for a new gun.
  I'm looking to spend no more then $800.00 for a gun without a scope, hopefully it can be at least a mid range gun for the price I'm willing to pay.  I do realize that I could end up paying thousands of dollars, but if I can get a decent gun that will be better then my Ruger for Silhouette I would be very grateful.
  Any advice is appreciated.

Offline chunter

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2004, 05:32:53 AM »
Some bolt action hunter guns that you might find in your price range:
Sako Finfire
CZ 452 American
Remington 541s
Anschutz 1400 series --these use the 64 action
Used Anschutz 17xx series --they are out there, hard to find for under 800
Ruger 77/22 -- needs a bit of work to make it silhouette worthy
Kimber HS, Classic --- Kimber has been having a rough go with it, when it comes to quality.  But every once in a while you will find a great one.

I imagine I missed a few, that people use.   The other option is to build a hunter gun, however, I don't know if you can do it for under $800.

The other option is to keep using the 10/22 until you have enough to spend on a custom or an Anschutz 17xx series rifle.


Offline ajj

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2004, 06:25:46 AM »
Chunter has given you a good rundown of the options. Considering the investment and the fact that you'll be using the rifle for a long time there's much to be said for taking your time on the decision. What's really expensive is buying twice. Nothing wrong with the 10-22, they have a strong following. Some really like being able to hold the rifle up for five shots without disturbing the position. Decide exactly what you want to change/gain before you spend and try as many bolt guns as possible. Don't switch just because everybody else seems to be shooting bolt guns.
If I were just starting out and couldn't justify the Anschutz I think I'd go with the CZ while I saved my pennies.

Offline GeoNLR

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I will add some $ math...
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2004, 07:28:07 AM »
I will add some money math as well...

Get you a CZ 452 American ( and try out some wolf or SK or another $2.50 a box ammo. The rifle can be had for $325 OTD ($285 for rifle, $10 Ship, $30 FFL, no-tax) or less iif you search around. Put Brookies $14 trigger up-grade into it and save all the instructions, BOXES, manuals, etc. Treat this like you will need it later...

Shoot the sport, you will have the equipment to shoot in both classes.

Now fast forward a couple of years. You now have decided witch rifle(s) you want ( I just got my 1712 and 1808's last year). Now you have two choices.

1. you take and box up the "Like New" but used CZ and post it for sale for let's say $250 shipped. By this time you will have found the rifle's ammo prefrence and can help a less expereinced shooter out. Will the right photos of the rifle, p/w, manual, test ammo targets, and a $ back guarntee.. this set up will sell at this price in less than a week. Might be able to sell for more. You will have got far more than YOUR $90 in experience and usefullness out of the rifle and someone will get a bargin in return!

2. I know some gasp at the thought of selling a rifle, so keep it. It's a heck of a $300 tree rat gun. Better than a $800 tree rat gun b/c we both know you are going to keep it..LOL

Sorry for the babble..hope this helps.

PS> CZ and Wolf/SK should have NO problems shooting 1.5" at the rams and that more than you will need for a number of years (maybe ever the way I'm progressing..LOL)

Offline nanaimoman

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2004, 09:07:47 AM »
I really like the heavy barrels, how would the CZ 452 Heavy Barrel Varmint compare with the CZ 452 American?

Offline chunter

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2004, 09:22:57 AM »
The CZ Varmint is an option also. Its barrel contour isn't enough to cause it to only be used in the smallbore class.  So if you like it better go for it. It is a pretty good gun also.  It all comes down to preference, you may find the varmint holds better than the American. It all depends.

Offline 9inarow

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2004, 10:05:36 AM »
The CZ is a good option, but.....  over the 3+ years I have been shooting silhouette, everyone that has used a CZ at our club for the most part is now shooting Anschutz.  I started off with a Ruger 77/22 for the first year.  When trying to determine what upgrade path to do, one of the most experienced shooters offered this advice: "buy quality, it retains its resale".  The only drawback is once you get used to "quality", its going to cost you.  After testing an Anschutz 1808, I ordered one the next day.  Since then the Anschutz collection has expanded into air rifles and 1712.  :)  Hard on the pocket book initially, but only spent the money once.  My advice, take your time on this descision, and if possible try different rifles.  Your 10/22 should be fine for awhile longer.

Yes, I still have the 77/22 for tree rat plinking.

Offline greer

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2004, 10:27:35 PM »
Keep in mind you can add lead to the forend of the American, take the weight all the way up to the limit if you want to.  Then take it back out if you decide to keep it as a lightweight squirrel gun.  Sarah

Offline eroyd

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Looking for advice on a bolt action rifle.
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2004, 11:08:05 AM »
Nanaimoman: I assume Nanaimo, BC. Canada. So that would be $800 Canadian dollars. :wink:  Take your time, learn the game before making a decision is good advice if your just starting out. Talk to the guys at your local matches, they'd be your best source for good used rifles that come up occassionally. Watch gun shows for good used "CIL" or "Savage" Anschutz made rifles in sporter, repeaters. These guns can often be had for about $300 Cdn. and are excellent starter guns.

Shoot your 10/22 on the mean time, just don't fling any hot casings down the back of my shirt. :wink:

Offline hh4064

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new rifle
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2004, 12:27:36 PM »
don't be in a hurry.
just last year i bought a 54MS Anschutz silhouette rifle for 750.00. No kidding. this rifle looks like brand new, it shoots just as good. It is a long winter take your time. The goos deals are out there.
Good Shooting