Well shot a nice doe this afternoon ( Sat) with my Encore 309 pistol again using the cast bullets. Only these I had flattened the tips to a flat point instread of the round nose configuration I had shot my buck with. I shot offhand at it for the lack of a rest and shot for the shoulder but hit high in the neck. I did not see this entrance wound at first as I was looking for it in the shoulder and did not see a wound there so I wondered where I hit it. I suppose I pulled the shot high. Deer went 30 yards and dropped. I gave it to my buddy to tag which is legal in WI if you are hunting together and within shouting distance. Since I have two deer in the freezer already I wanted to help him get a deer. The funny thing about it is he gutted it out and we found that one lung and the top of the heart was blown out. This evidence still made me look at the shoulder for where the hit was until I seen the neck wound. I can only guess the bullet hit the spine and either fragmented and hit the lung and heart or a part of the bone did it. I am guessing on the bone.Another weird thing is that if I hit some bone in the neck the deer did not drop on the spot like they normally do. I never had that happen before but it was double trouble for the deer as I figure the neck shot also hit some major arteries as It bled like crazy for the 30 yards it did go. This makes No 4 for the Encore and the second shot with a 30 cal cast bullet.