To make a long story short, I started with what I thought was a "clean" blackpowder barrel, but you'll see that it really wasn't...
T/C .45 cal Cherokee with peep sight rear and fiber-optic front (for when the deer are in the thick fir thickets).
Using Pyrodex, 777 or Clean-Shot powders with patched round balls, T/C Maxi-Ball, Maxi-Hunter and even PowerBelt bullets. I would get 2 of 3, or 3 - 4 of 5 shots grouping nice & tight, but 1 or more shots would miss the paper at only 50 yards. And that's fired off the bench using the set trigger.
Bore Condition, Before:
Looked a little "rough" or fouled halfway down. This was after numerous hot water cleanings using a brass brush as well. Theoretically, this was a "clean" BP barrel.
Background Info:
Have read numerous pro & mostly con reports lately about Bore Butter and the problems that a build-up of that lube can cause. All the patches and T/C conicals that I have used contain that lube.
"Centerfire Cleaning" Process:
2 days following a routine blackpowder cleaning (hot water, brush, etc.) I figured I had nothing to lose by trying some modern solvents on the bore, just to confirm that it was clean. For solvent, I used Shooter's Choice, then 100 strokes with J&B, followed up by 3 Lead-Away patches. The bore was then rinsed & cleaned of J&B etc with the Shooter's Choice again.
Cleaning Results:
GREEN patches on the first two tries -- lots of copper in the bore! Didn't expect to find that much! Must have been from the PowerBelts. The J&B and Lead-Away patches really seemed to help smooth/clean-up the grooves, which now look 100% better when inspected with a little LED light that drops down the bore. I couldn't believe what was coming out on the first patches using the SC. Visually and by feel, the grooves are now much cleaner. This was helped by wrapping a patch on a .50 cal (not .45) bore brush to really force the patches deep into the grooves.
Shooting Results:
Darn it all!!! Have not tried it at the range yet, but I can't wait to see how this "really clean" barrel performs now. I will post within the next 2 weeks to let you know.
Some folks swear at Bore Butter, others swear by it. My post isn't intended to sway you either way. But just for kicks, try some centerfire cleaning solvents on your "clean" BP barrel and see how she looks.
Tight groups.
Old No7