Hi Guys,
First time posting here, just found this site.
I recently purchased a G2 frame, and I am ready to journey into the "Contender Zone"
I will be ordering a 10'' 22KHornet barrel this week for my first barrel.
I plan to use this rig for hunting small game(fox), with some informal target practice at the local range. Later I would like to add a barrel for deer,and black bear.My shooting would rarely exceed 150 yds.
I would like to use a scope with quick release rings so I can have the ability to swap.
So, what scope would you recommend for an all around sight?
Is it practical to change out a scope on multiple barrels?
I have no actual experience with hunting with pistols, so any info would be appreciated. Sorry for rambling, I have a lot of questions.
Thanks for letting me stop in.