I heard it a long time ago, and I would guess it could work, but I'm not sure if its just a story someopne made up.
I deerhunter once fed/baited the deer in a stretch of woods all spring summer and fall. He would dump apples/corn(I dont remember which) in an area, and sprinkle some Aqua Velva aftershave lotion on some of the suorrounding trees. He started the aftershave light and eventually worked it up to a heavy amount to about a month before deer season. He had to stop baiting a month before deer season because of hunting regulations. When hunting season started, he splashed aqua velva all over himself, to the horror of his hunting partners. The then made a bee line brisk walk strait thru the woods leaving his scent. The deer recognized the scent and they all chased him. He just turned around and waited to pick one to shoot.
Has anyone else heard of this story? I wouldnt mind trying it just for the fun of it, but it sounds like too much work.