lostone1413, You got some confusing info. The safety on the P-345 is also a decocker. When you put the safety ON, the hammer drops (no problem, it's safe). You can not have the safety ON and the hammer cocked at the same time, thus no SA first shot.
If you draw the P-345 with the safety ON, you must first switch the safety OFF then the gun operates in the DA mode for the first shot and SA mode for subsequent shots.
You can safely holster the gun with a round chambered, hammer down, and the safety OFF. When you draw the gun, it is like a DA revolver or a decocker only for the first shot.
For a carry gun, the decocker ONLY model is preferred vs the manual safety / decocker model. It doesn't take much pressure to accidentally put the gun in the SAFE mode when holstering. Then when you draw and go to fire, nothing happens and you loose valuable time fumbling to switch the safety OFF. With the decocker only model, this can't happen.
Manual safety / decocker models are preferred for a range gun or a home / vehicle gun due to the extra safety feature. Personally, I'm used to a 1911 where I have to sweep the safety OFF when drawing so it's no big deal, just a little more training and practice.