think of yourself as a benchrest. think of your forward hand as the rest itself. some folks want the fulcrum to be directly above your hand. some folks prefer it to be just in front of your hand. i prefer it to be directly above my hand. i want to be able to take my right hand off the grip and have the rifle stay right where it is. a bone/muscle thing.
again, some folks prefer more weight to be forward. they like the feel of the balance and perceive to have less barrel movement. One has to be careful with this because there is a definite point of diminishing return. if you get too much weight forward you end up having to use muscle to keep the rifle from falling forward. just like if you bring the rest on the bench too far back. your rifle can tip forward off the rest.
it will take a bit of experimenting but i would imagine your balance point will end up within an inch or two of your forward hand if not in it.