Anyway, since you're in Bama is it possibly that this noise is the voice of some sort of reptile or the like? Their sounds can be quite dependant on temperature windows.
Yes we have all sorts of those here in Bama. But I've heard them all of my life so the sounds they make are not strange to me. And as HipShot said right now it's way too cold for them to be out and about making their noises. I cannot say with certainty that what I heard last night is the same as what I've been hearing in the woods. I think it was but since I've yet to lay eyes on the maker of the sounds I cannot know, only suspect. But the time on the morning after the rain when the temp was at most in the low 20s and maybe lower there is no way that sound was made by any cold blooded creature. Neither insect nor frog was out that day.
I also do not "think" it was likely a large cat whether we choose to call it panther, cougar, painter, mountain lion or something else. I can't know it wasn't but don't think it was. On my land there is no place for one to hide and really neither on the neighbor's land on either side of me. Just not enough woods. Across the state highway from me is a ridge line that runs several miles more or less parallel to the road. It's much more wild and I'd not completely rule out much of anything traveling it from time to time or even living there for short periods. I don't think any large predator lives here longer term tho. If it did more cattle, goats and house pets all of which are near would be missing and someone would be reporting it.
Back perhaps 15 or more years ago when far fewer folks lived out here the neighbor next door said one morning a black bear was down at their pond along the highway. Bears definitely do travel thru from time to time in the area near us. Young males move between the population centers in TN, north GA and AL to the populations in FL and south AL each year. A bear will be sighted making the travel ever year or so. But big cats? Dunno. I'm sure some do at times travel thru just like the bears.
But whatever I'm hearing is resident here, not just passing thru. I've heard it with too much frequency when hunting for it to be nomadic and not resident. Still last night's encounter might or might not be the same creature. It could have been something just moving thru for all I know. I don't honestly expect we'll come up with an answer but thought I'd share the experience with you guys. The sounds last night just like the similar ones I've been hearing in the woods when hunting sure have me baffled.