Thanks Gunnut, I guess I still don't understand how this will reduce the amount of force needed to pull the trigger. I understand how a clean trigger might make one think the pull was lower than it really is. Right now, the trigger seems to break clean, no creep that I can tell. I like a fairly light trigger that truly is just a squeeze instead of a pull, and with the recoil, a pull can easily become a jerk if one thinks to much about it, or doesn't think enough about it......I haven't decided yet. I've added a limbersaver to deal with the recoil, which it does very well, groups with some ammo are around an inch, but I still think there is room for improvement in the trigger area.........I guess what I'd really like to know is if it's possible without changing springs?
Also, do you hone freehand, or do you use a jig?