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Offline bbeavereater

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« on: December 06, 2004, 02:22:03 PM »
I had a run in with anti trappers the other day and i was just wanting to know how you would have handled it.  Here is the situation.  I was checking my traps on my grandmothers property very discretely but was spotted by a passing driver.  I try to hide what i am doing as much as possible to avoid controversy but was caught off guard.  anyways i waved and the young female waved back.  I continued to find i had a coon in a 220 i was taking it out when a truck came to a scretching hault and an older male jumped out of it and started asking me what i was doing.  He had already saw the coon and trap so there was no hiding it.  He kept aggressively asking me my name, what i was doing, where i lived and so.  I just stood there with out a chance to talk.  I noticed the young female that passed earler was sitting in the truck.  He kept coming closer and closer until he was actually trespassing.  I instantly told him this was my grandmothers land and that i was doing everything legal.  I am a fairly large person at 6'5" 220 lbs so he obviously backed off a little when he got too close but he kept mumbeling stuff i could not understand.  then he said somthing like trapping may be alright with the law or somthing but it was not alright with him, i couldnt really understand him.  I just stood there speech less.  finally he walked off and turned to say "you are a cruel cruel man"  I didnt know what to say so i just said sorry and told him that i would pull the traps if he had a problem with it.  but now that i think about it my grandmother has lived there for 54 years and they just moved there about 4 years ago.  they dont really have any pets except for stray cats that run loss and kill my grandmothers chickens.  
     I was just wondering what you all would do.  I could have had him arrested for harassing a legal hunter or trapper but did not because i want to keep trappers in a good light.  should i put the traps back or avoid the area.  it is a hard decision because i dont have much trapping ground anyways.

I appriciate any information

Offline blackpowder man 0106

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2004, 02:43:06 PM »
Hey, I havent had too much experience trapping so I havent gotten a chance to have run-ins with anti trappers but come on, that guy had no right to get in your face like that for something you were doing that was 100% legal and morally fine. That guy had no reason to pull over and get in your face for that. If he had a problem with what you were doing, he should have kept it to himself. There was NO good reason for him to confront you for something that in no way affected him. If you're worried about him pulling your traps or somehow messing with your trapping, chain those suckers down good and heavy to make sure he can't pull em. Might be a bit out of your way but I've had 2 traps stolen just last year so I've been running wire to each of the springs of my traps and attatching it to a tree or rock, then staking them as well... and running an extension chain off the main one and using a small padlock onto a tree. I'm only doing this with two of my traps (the two locations where i had traps stolen from before) but I havent had a problem since. Don't sink down and pull your traps just because some yuppi who moved in from out of state has a prob. with what you're doing. After all, he moved into the area, does he expect to change everything there to the way things were where he came from? Maybe if you have problems with him interfering it might  be smart to pull out the ones he knows of... but that extra securing of the traps takes me maybe 3 minutes more than it normally would. Not a long time. Of course, I had the traps ready to be fastened down like that before i set them but I can't imagineit would take long to run wire from each spring and attach a chain extension and throw a small padlock (a buck for a pack of 3 at walmart) around the chain once you get it down. He might go and spring the traps, or he might just forget about it all together.

Sorry for going on so long, just doesnt seem right that this guy would do that. I'm not sure how much my opinion matters on this subject since I'm just a rookie with all this and I'm sure you guys have more experience but hey, thats just my two cents worth.


Offline wormbobskey

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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2004, 02:46:44 PM »
If it had been me I would most likely done what you did, except pull my traps. If you know who this person is notify your county game warden and inform him about the incident. If you have any problems later on down the road your game warden already has a heads up and can be able to find out who's responsible. One thing you have to understand from the get go it that these anti-trappers think of no ones opinion but thier own. There is no reasoning with them because they believe they are 100% right and you are wrong. If it were me I would reset my traps and hope that there are no more problems, but I wouldn't let anyone try to tell me what or how I choose to spend my free time. It sound like you handled yourself very well and I'm (almost) sure you will not have any problems from these people. Maybe the next time you talk to them inform them of the damage  free- roaming cats can do to the native birds and small mammals. Worm
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Offline Bogmaster

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2004, 02:48:29 PM »
If you pull your traps,an anti has just won.
If you are following all the laws and chances of catching doestics are close to non-existant---keep on keeping on.
 I encounter many anti trappers every year,my friend and I ,do beaver removal in many parks and cities--keep as low a profile as possible ,always follow every law--we pass on many set locations to avoid running dogs--while it is against the law for these dogs to be running unleashed we try to avoid problems.We stop the owners and tell them what we are doing and why they should be  kept them on a leash .Some of these people are mad,because they think they are above the law and resent being asked to leash their dogs,others are upset because we are removing beaver and I don't mean catch and release .
 Your chances of converting a mad anti are slim and none.Hold your temper,but do not let them intimidate you,do not argue --no one wins.
 Good luck, Tom
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline RdFx

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« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2004, 04:59:17 PM »
I agree with Tom and follow all trapping laws to the ltr.  Dont argue as you are in the right... Go back to trapping and have fun.  Hope your stetchers are all full..... Good Luck

Offline itrap

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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2004, 06:43:45 PM »
was God cruel when he clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins?
i think not!....
Tom has some good advice...

next time that happens - just say thankyou Lord for providing me and my family with some nice tanned undergarments. that aughta wet their pants.....
thank the Lord.....

Offline Graybeard

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2004, 09:54:45 PM »
I'm not a trapper and so my thoughts might not mirror those of trappers but I look at it no differently than if it had been hunting which I do.

I'd have charged him with trespassing assuming he in fact did trespass on the land you were on. If you have hunter/trapper harrassment laws I'd have had him charged under that too.

There is no sense trying to be nice to such folks. You will never bring them around to your view point and trying is like talking to a telephone pole or trying to teach a pig to sing. As long as you are in the right and they break the law let the law deal with them. They'll think twice about another confrontation after being arrested and fined.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline traditionalhunter

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2004, 01:40:54 AM »
bb...Sorry to hear you had this incident.  It is sad to know you can't be in peace even on your own land.  

This is a very sticky situation because the outcome of this confrontation is different for the trapper than it is the anti-hunter.  We (being the trappers) are in the minority in our day and age (meaning we are in the minority acording to the current views and beliefs of many people in the US).  We must remember that the majority of these people and groups strive for confrontation.  Confrontation brings them and there cause into the spotlight.  Confrontation is how they are recognized.  If you would have become very angry and physicaly removed the man from your property, this would have recieved tremendous attention in the anti circle, maybe even becoming recognized statewide (through letters to the editor etc. in local newspapers) thus drawing negative attention to trapping and hunting.  However, if the man had assulted you, more than likely he would just went to jail for a small amout of time and nothing else would have been said about it.  Thus, two different outcomes for the trapper and the anti-hunter.  One outcome of negative attention and more fuel for anti-hunting and trapping, the other a small fine and a day or so in jail with no more attention received about the matter.

  I would remeake my sets.  If the man gives you more trouble, explain to him that you are doing everything by the law.  Politley, but boldly,  ask him to leave your property and make sure that you tell him that this is the second time you have asked him to leave and the next time he will be prosecuted.  If he does it a third time, call the local sheriff and have him arrested.  We must remember that these people love and want verbal and physical confrontation.  We ( trappers and hunters) have to be better and smarter than them and not let them put us in this situation of coming to physical blows / words (this draws attention to them).  Good luck!

Offline foxtail

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2004, 05:31:28 AM »
I normally have my camera with me all of the time on the line. It allows me to record unusual catches and make lasting memories.
It also allows me to record evidence to be used against tresspassers, thieves, antis, and others who need to be convinced as to how the real world works.

Since you already informed him that the land was private property, you should carry your cell phone (assuming you have one) with the sheriff's number programed into it, along with you. If he comes back, take a pic of him on the private property and then get a pic of his plates on the vehicle.

Then get grandma to press tresspassing charges.

Also, go talk to a deputy about this just so that it is on record.

Offline Asa Lenon

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2004, 08:29:17 AM »
I'm not 6' 5" or 220 lbs but I would have told him to get out of my face NOW!!!  :x  I know how you feel about not wanting to make waves but there is no pacifying the antis, no matter how you handled it the attitude about trappers will remain exactly the same. I surely wouldn't let this guy intimidate me from resetting a good location.  Ace

Offline Jacktheknife

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2004, 02:00:28 AM »
Yup,  I was in the little hardware store in the crappy little town north of where I live,  on the last day to vote for president. There were three or four guys talking politics, and I had an unusual  1 1/2 coil I had bought used which needed an 'S' hook in order to hook chain to it.  One of the little guys came over and started some {colorful explicitive} about the trap.  
     And said, upon hearing who I voted for, that "everybody in 'town' voted for the other guy. I turned and said:  
"Oh, I see your point,  yes,  38,000 white trash and {negroes}
couldn't possibly be wrong, could they?"
And stared at him awaiting his answer.
No answer.
So I went back to what I was doing.
The wimpy little guy asked me where I lived.
I turned and told him "I don't tell people I don't like where I live!"
Whereupon he says:
"You don't even know me! What do you mean you don't like me!"
     "I took an immediate intense personal dislike to you somewhere between the third and the fifth word out of your mouth,  {colorful explicitive referring to a female dog!}

    Don't call me a {colorful explicitive referring to a female dog} he said.

Whereupon I turned and hollered at him in my best R. Lee Ermy,
drill instructor voice:  "What are you gona do about it, {same colorful explicitive!} hit me with your {colorful explicitive} purse!
And stared at him awaiting his answer.                                            'Huh!"

The room was pretty silent for a minute, when somebody behind me said to another:
 "No, I'm not going to help him, I don't like him either."
'I'm just going to stand here and watch {whatever his name was}
get hisself beat to death.

I turned and looked out of the corner of my eye, at the guy {my friend} who worked there, and tried hard, but was quite unable to supress a smile.  Got my 'S' hook and left.

         All in fun it was,  evidently the 'guy' was loosing the political discussion anyway. And lost the anti-trap discussion as well!

      {Mr. Bogmaster sir, I hope this was not offensive, delete it if it was.}


                                                                          J. Knife
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Offline foxtail

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2004, 10:37:47 AM »

Offline jim-NE

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2004, 12:38:10 AM »
Antis have been quiet around here for quite some time now. I haven't seen anything formal since picketing at the gate of our convention many years ago. That was just a matter of ignoring them and driving by on my way into the matter what they were yelling at me on the way by.
I haven't had any problems in the field yet (knock on wood) but I do get my share of thievery, damaged traps, stolen or shot up critters, etc. and I always wonder if some of it wasn't at the hands of individuals misinformed or with a grudge against the sport. On other hand, what the heck ever happened to the old code of the woods, too? My dad and uncles pounded into me to respect the property and activities of other outdoorsman every bit as much as I would expect them to respect my equipment and activity. You just don't run someone else's traps, bank fishing lines, etc. and you sure as heck didn't mess around or take their equipment either. To me, the harrassment of individuals going about their activity within the law is something that you just have to respect. Same goes for their property in town, out of town, makes no difference. It's too bad some individuals do not have that sense of boundary or respect for others.

Offline bbeavereater

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2004, 06:03:53 AM »
Just a little up date for everyone.  I informed my family about the miss hap so they would have a heads up for future problems, and set my traps back out just yesterday.  As it turns out my aunt knew the guy and happened to run into at the gas station.  With no intintions to start anytrouble my anut just mentioned to him that i did have permission to be there and that I would be returning to continue trapping.  She said the guy acted worried as if he thought he was going to be in trouble or somthing.  Anyways, no further comments were made and all is good.  Maybe he was just haveing a bad day or somthing.   His daughter, on the other hand, flips me the bird every time she drives by.  But that doesnt really bother me.

thanks for all your comments and advise.  and by the way the set produced another nice coon this morning.  I am glad I reset.

Offline RdFx

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« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2004, 06:07:23 AM »
Congratulations and many more to come yr way hopefully...Happy Trapping

Offline Jacktheknife

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2004, 09:25:45 AM »
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Offline poncho97

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2004, 04:54:21 AM »
where i come from we have both antis and thieves; the antis dont bother anyone because we dont bother them.  however if i was harassed like this i would fully retaliate.  this guy went out of his way to bother you so i would return the favor, no way this guy would make me pull my sets.  incidentally i had a thief this year stealing variuos traps on a water course, i notified the DEC and had it narrowed down to half a dozen lowlifes.  as it persisted my patience grew thin, i put in a legal otter set w a 330 mag fastened to a large pine and padlocked both end and used a 220 for bait.  the thief did try to steal mt 220 three days later and didnt know how to operate a 330 so he spent about 6hrs there until myself and a DEC officer released him where he was taken away for trespassing, harassment and thievery. i expect no more problems on that line.  looking back i would not handle things this way again but would definitly have them prosecuted.  Bogmaster please erase this if the post is out of line.  good luck w your situation.

Offline nib420247

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2004, 03:57:07 AM »
one time I had a guy stop and ask me whare I got those two coon, were they roadkill? not thinking I said no I was a trapper and this was a friends land he wanted me to take a few problem animals for him (to a non hunter or trapper I tell them all the animals are problem animals..even mink, they dont know and I think they would have less of a problem if they thought they were a nusience) well this dude looked at me weird and just left, so I throw the 2 coon in the truck and grab 3 #2 duke double coils to set whare I seen a few yote tracks in the corner of the 2 of the sets in and the dude comes back with his friend....I'm 6'0 and 140 pounds....really intimidating....well both guys were 200+ muscle heads commin down the trail tward me.....hell eather one of them could have easily smacked me around.....great, coon were dispatched and I got no gun....not that I would have shot them but the 22 would have made me feel I throw the bucket down and grar the trowel and a spray bottel of fox urine  :twisted:   I back up a few steps and get ready to crack the first one that got close enough and one of them said hey your a trapper? I said yeah and if you got a problem with it you are going to be sorry so get the F$%K out of here...he said I don't have a problem with it I just want to know why you trap? well I was already pissed cause I thought they were comeing to harass me. I said these animals have no predators and mass produce till they cause damage or get wiped out by disease, he said isent it cruel though I said no and proceeded to put the urine down and open the trap jaws and stick my hand in there and slowly release the jaws and show them my hand in the trap, they looked suprised I was not in extreme pain. Then the one guy said his father use to trap and he was thinking about trapping himself....I said oh I thought you were coming to mess with me, and they laughed, well in the end they both talked to me for a while and left....and I thought man am I perinoid....I think everyone hates me for being a trapper....and I actually feel happy that there might be a few more trappers cause of me...till the next day....traps gone....they forgot to mention thet they were thinking about trapping with MY TRAPS.......I hate people....I have to be so seceret....full camo...hide...wait til cars are gone to walk to the road...etc...that stinks, why cant people just leave us alone.

Offline Jacktheknife

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2004, 02:09:31 PM »
Yeah, I hate people too.
Was saying that to myself just today,  

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Offline foxtail

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2004, 05:44:08 PM »
Yes, but you clearly got a good look at them.

Since you would never prove it, if it was me, the next time you see one of them, watch them from a safe distance and get as much info on them as possible and find where they live and then you will know where a trap thief lives and naturally you could let all who care know.

Offline bbeavereater

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2004, 06:02:11 AM »
I got another good story for you all.  about 5 years ago i was trapping beavers out of a lake that was close to a rail road.  As usuall i set a few coon traps to make up for no beaver days.  well one day i had a coon in a foot hold so i killed it and went ahead to run the rest of my traps planning to get the coon on my way back.  then a short train came through and was dropping and adding cars as usuall.  while I was on the other side of the lake i heard some yelling so i looked back to see two guys get off the train and get back on the train with my 2 brand new sleepy creek #11s.  I was only 16 years old so i was not about to approach them at this time but i did call my day, who at the time hatted trapping.  but I guess he hatted theives even more because when i told him what happened he immediately called the CSX company told them what happened.  they were pretty upset about the situation as well.  as it turns out, CSX meet the two guys in the parking lot after they got off work and made them drive back to the site and put my traps in the exact same spot.  sure enough the next day the traps were back in their spot.  i later found out that the two guys had to drave about 2 hours from their work to get back to this spot.  We could have pressed tresspassing charges as well but decided not to since we felt they learned their lesson.  now days i think i just might go ahead and press all charges possible.

Offline Jacktheknife

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handeling encounters with anti trappers
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2004, 02:16:49 AM »
Thats cool!

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