Author Topic: Why I’m Quitting The Democrats  (Read 816 times)

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Offline Dali Llama

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« on: December 08, 2004, 07:59:09 AM »
Why I’m Quitting The Democrats

By Allen Snyder
I suppose I’ve been a left-leaning moderate Democrat all my life.  Since my earliest political memories are of break-ins, bugs, John Dean, and a crooked Republican president resigning in disgrace on national television (for the ill-informed, that would be Richard Nixon in ’74), I quickly learned to watch my step around the GOP.
And when I later saw millions of nitwits vote twice for a guy who was so clueless and dangerous, all because he made them ‘feel better about themselves’ (Ronald Reagan in ’80 and ’84), it made me want to make a giant martini, tie an olive around my neck, and sink straight to the bottom.  So that’s what I did from ’84 to ’91.
It’s not that I love Democrats, think they’re all wonderful, worship at the sacred altar of FDR, or believe their leadership is the panacea for all that ails America.  Rather, there’s always this sense they cared about other people as well as America’s important place in the complex and ever-growing world community.  Sure, the Dems are crooked, too, but theirs seemed a benign corruption.  At least they rooted for the underdog, the little guy, the worker, the poor, the minority.  They embraced cooperation, fairness, compromise, peace, and progress.  Sadly, it’s been these very commitments that have left Democrats eating three squares a day of hot self-righteous Republican political dust for just over a decade now.
This belief in Democratic ideals has lately exposed itself to me like a wrinkled old flasher in a Columbo-style trench coat; flaccid, floppy, useless, and not a little offensive and embarrassing.  While this last election should have clued them in to what I’ve suspected for years (that they’ve been pissing on my leg and telling me it’s liberal rain), Democrats have instead decided the lesson of ’04 was ‘we’re leaning way too far to the left’.  So desperate are they not to alienate the remaining 77 swing voters, they’ve morphed into ‘Republican Lite’.
In a misguided effort to attract only marginally brain-dead and only partially propagandized conservatives or moderates away from the Jim Jones-like Cult O’ Christian War and Tax Cuts that is BushCo, they’re increasingly spouting religious and ‘culture war’ gibberish, while remaining shamefully mute as GOP thugs literally get away with mass murder in Iraq and re-election fraud here at home.  They even selected an abortion anti-choicer to replace recent loser Tom Daschle as Minority Leader.
It was bad enough in 2000 when no Democratic Senator had the balls to take the back of the Congressional Black Caucus in denouncing the election scam in Florida (painfully well-documented in Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11).  But it was positively horrifying to hear Democratic Vice-Presidential loser John Edwards say Democrats should’ve talked more about ‘moral values’ and more loudly professed their undying faith in God during this last election (and then the difference between you guys and the Repugs would then have been what?  Better hair?  Whiter smiles?).
Their most dreadful act was when, after spending months assuring me and the other Democratic faithful that ‘we won’t give up till all the votes are counted’, John Kerry almost immediately whimpered out a concession, inexplicably called for ‘healing’, and slunk away with his tail between his legs, leaving Democratic mouths all over the country gaping in shock.  I can still taste the betrayal.  Tastes like…defeat.
The Democratic Party has thus become the most unlikely enabler of an Administration so addicted to power and force, so corrupted and driven by insatiable greed, and so committed to ending modern two-party American democracy, that it no longer feels the need to keep any of its abhorrent policies under the radar.  Since their perceived mandate precludes both subtlety and accountability, they’re pushing ahead with their painful agenda to the chagrin of all who love freedom.
Anybody suitably informed by non-American news knows how morally depraved BushCo really is, but it would be immense folly to expect that the ever-more-conservative mainstream US corporate media will put down its pom-poms, megaphones, and ratings reports long enough to tell us about it.  They’re too busy creating the Mother of All Media Ironies – feigning outrage and indignation over voter fraud in Ukraine while giving their own country’s widespread reports of voting ‘irregularities’ little, if any, notice.
So while the Repugs maneuver in Congress to keep criminals like Tom DeLay in office or end Democratic filibusters thus ensuring their judicial appointments are duly rubber-stamped and sent off to subvert the Constitution, we’ll all be getting the royal BushCo shaft.  Our jobs will continue sailing overseas, the tax burden will shift even more from rich to middle class, wronged consumers will be prevented from suing in court, and our sons and daughters will die daily for nothing in the endless, but politically necessary, ‘war on terror’.  There is little hope that meek, spineless, and apparently scared-shitless Democrats will do anything but lie nice and still while this conservative juggernaut of incompetence, fear, violence, and fascism rolls right over them.
Given Democratic complacency, maybe it’s not me who’s quitting the Democrats after all, but they who quit me.
Allen Snyder can be reached at  This article is copyright by Allen Snyder and originally published by but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline Major

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2004, 10:50:14 AM »
OK, I will bite the bait and ask… what is this guy smoking?  

Sure, there have been bad republicans in office but democrats share that honor too.   I will not point out every fallacy in his article except to say that any one that believes the scripted movie Fahrenheit 9/11 was a documentary is not using a fully changed battery.   Also, it was Clinton that stuck us with NAFTA and sold our jobs overseas.
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Offline Dali Llama

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 12:48:23 PM »
Quote from: Major
any one that believes the scripted movie Fahrenheit 9/11 was a documentary is not using a fully changed battery.  
...and probably have some beachside property for sale in Arizona, say Dali Llama! :lol:
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline Major

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2004, 01:19:15 PM »
You know Dali, I am always amazed at how fast a bad democratic party idea or act gets spun around and blamed on the Republicans.

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Offline Dali Llama

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2004, 01:29:34 PM »
Quote from: Major
You know Dali, I am always amazed at how fast a bad democratic party idea or act gets spun around and blamed on the Republicans.

Demoncrats have some rather good spin doctors in their employ, say Dali Llama. :-)
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline magooch

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2004, 03:50:29 PM »
Man! I love to see these pathetic lefties on the verge of suicide.

Offline Cowpox

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Why I'm quiting the Democrats
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2004, 01:21:22 AM »
Actually, this guy is refreshing. He seemed to notice his party is doing something wrong. I live in a small town of 800 people. As a result, I pretty well know everyone, including their views on politics, religion, and red headed wimmin.  I consider myself a moderate in all things, except  eating , smoking, and maybe beer and whisky. What I find interesting, is, when you hear on the news that a Republican has been caught in some underhanded situation in politics or his personal life, the local Repubicans react as they should, and talk the guy down. On the other hand, the Liberals will defend their man's actions, try to convince you it's no big deal, and hoot and holler about the republicans attacking and defaming him. Now, what are your opinions. Are Liberals born with low morals and no conscience ? Or is it some kind of mind control thing ?  Cowpox
I rode with him,---------I got no complaints. ---------Cowpox

Offline dave375hh

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2004, 03:14:40 AM »
I'd just as soon Mr Snyder remained a Demoncrap. The boy's not right. nit-wit would be a step up for him!

Offline magooch

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2004, 02:39:52 AM »
I don't believe that liberals are morally lacking, nor absent a conscience.  I just believe that they live in their own little unreality and they don't deal with the world as it really is.  

Gray should be the color of the liberal banner, because in their world nothing is black or white; anything can be rationalized and the only wrong to a liberal is anything and everything that a conservative (Republican)does.

Offline ironglow

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Why I’m Quitting The Democrats
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2004, 03:00:26 PM »
Let's face it , the final arbitoe of what is right and what is wrong is Almighty God...and most of the Libs have turned on him long ago; so they have no moral compass to use in "finding their way out of the woods"!

   The writer says something about "our sons and daughters will go on fighting and dying".....something tells me that FEW Libs sons and daughters will be doing ANY of the fighting or dying....unless those offspring are themselves patriotic Conservatives...

   Sounds like this moaning Liberal is ready to drink some Kool-aid!!!...LOL
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Cowpox

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Why I'm quiting the Democrats
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2004, 10:31:26 PM »
Reading the last couple of replys, It was nice to see others have noticed what I was trying to put my finger on. I guess using the word morals was an unfortunate choice of words. The Liberals certainly seem to have a sense of right from wrong, but, I am puzzled by the double standard they use with practiced ease. How, in any one person's mind, can a particular act be OK when committed by a liberal, yet be totally evil if committed by a conservative or moderate? Even if the moderate is a Democrat? In 1987, I was 42 years old, standing squarely on the political center line, and had never voted a "straight ticket". I had always watched debates, looked at issues, and voted for the man I perceived to be best for the job. Then, the Democrat convention began their search for a candidate to run against George Bush Sr.                                                                         From the start, Senator Hart, a moderate from Colorado, if I remember right, was the front runner and was gaining ground. A group of far left Liberals led by Ted Kennedy went after him and forced him to drop out on the grounds he was an unfit candidate because he was married and had been caught in an affair with his secretary. I couldn't believe that NO ONE asked Ted the obvious question. I realized then that the Democratic Party was no longer "The Grand Old " Farmer Labor Party, but was evolving into something a little scarey. I have voted a straight Republican ballot since then, and now, 17 years later, I am beginning to suspect sinister might be a better word to describe the Democrat Party.  Cowpox
I rode with him,---------I got no complaints. ---------Cowpox