Graybeard: Let's see here! Heel spurs both feet. Arthritis in ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, hands, and spine. One totally plugged artery in my heart with a failed By-pass (thanks to Vioxx), and a new stint in another artery. Bi-cuspid aerotic valve (means it's no good). Four herniated disk in my back. Do I let these things stop me? No way. Slow me down, Yes, stop me no! Life is too short to let it go by sitting in a wheel chair. I'm leaving Tuesday to go into the Alaska Range hunting Wolves alone. I'll probably stay three or four days. I've already got a trip planned for next year to go Moose hunting. My partner and I are going to float another river south of the Yukon this time. We've also got another trip planned in August for Caribou to the same place we went this year. Also some new changes are in the works for Grizzly hunting next spring. If they pan out lots of us are going to be hunting Grizzlies this spring. No I can't walk far, or carry a load. That's why I have a four-wheeler, snow machine, track rig, boat, ultra-light, and an old Volkswagen. And about once a month, I make what would be considered (The Trip Of A Life Time) for most folks. That's why I retired up here, and I will never leave.