Fellows, let's take the blinders off...WE are in a cultural war here in the USA...
Have you noticed how, in just the last year or so the elitist, PC, academia, don't-believe-in-hard-work crowd have attacked not just religion, but more specifically Christ!
They are in process in many places of including Hannakuh and Kwannza celebrations in public events, but forbidding even the mention of Christ...
I can honestly honor Hannakuh because of it's great history and the great faith it represents....Kwanzaa is a "made-up" holiday dating to 1967 N Carolina, I believe it was..
In this instance, our Jewish brethren should be crying foul!
Remember the old story..."Hitler came after the Jews and I didn't object because I wasn't a Jew, then he came after the handicapped and I didn't complain because I'm wasn't handicapped......etc., etc....
In this recent attack on Christ, we were warned 2000 years ago that He would be hated by many today and we would be hated because we love and honor Him .....so knowlegeable Christians are not surprised !
Matt 24:9, Mark 13:13, Luke 21:17, John 15:18
That group hates our guns, our self-sufficency, our beliefs, our values, our morals, our freedom and our masculinity...and they are out to take them all away!
They are starting with our children and grandchildren. They put them in "headstart" programs that are really "headshrink" programs, designed to fill their heads with leftist propaganda...to teach them and their mothers to be "government dependant"...
Then in school they rob little boys of their masculinity by persecuting them for acting like little boys.
Little girls are supposed to be "touchy-feely", little boys ( while still disciplined) are expected to be physical, and a bit rowdy...
Their methods are such that they would like to "divide and conquer" by driving wedges between our various persuasions.
I can see them trying to pit Christians vs Jews, men vs women, black vs white, children vs parents, conservationists vs hunters etc, etc...
They hate our heroes such as the heroic troops in Iraq and Afghanistan...remember their preferred pres candidate voted against funds for weapons systems, body armor, vehicle armor etc...
Their heroes seem to be in the mold of Barbra Streisand, Bill Clinton, Micheal Moore and that ilk....
I cannot see how they compare to OUR (most of us)heroes , such as Jesus , Moses, Joshua, R Reagan, Gen Patton etc..perhaps they see it; but I sure don't!!!
Face it guys, we ARE IN a cultural war...