I should have paid more attention to the serial #'s. for some reason SB2 sticks in my mind though. It is a used gun and I knew the gal that brought it in. I called here alittle while ago, said she's unloading some guns since he passed on recently. Hubby bought it a couple years back she thought, but didn't shoot it much due to failing health(only 12 out of original box shot through). Anyway, she's kind of gun clueless, Gander mtn paid her $140 for it. They have it listed now for $185, but my brother works there, so I can get it 30% off that. Seems like a nice gun and reasonable price for what little I know about NEF's. Any other input is appreciated. ....They also had a handi in the .204, but it has the shorter stock. Any input on this gun good or bad? Thanks, Taz