Author Topic: I need trap tag requirement info.  (Read 403 times)

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Offline foxtail

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« on: December 10, 2004, 07:43:13 AM »
I have a deal where someone went to one of my stops and removed all of my tags.

I honestly think the CO did it, but can not proove it yet. Probably never will.

Anyway, I need reasons and circumstances to cite as evidence that the tag requirement is flawed.

It is already clear that with the tag requirement, that it is easy to set someone up for a charge that they can not possibly defend themself of.

I need true stories of where this law has been prooven to be a liability to honest trappers like us.

I also need links to where antis have stated to do this.

Offline Wackyquacker

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2004, 01:45:18 PM »
You need a bunch but I'll try to get you started.  First, how many prosecutions have ever been made based on tagging?  None I'll bet.  How many trap theives have ever been prosecuted based on tags?  What do you want to bet none.  So what is the point of tags?  It feels good to someone.  Because a trap with your info on it is found in an illegal situation does not mean you set it; someone has to see you tend the traps or you must admit to being guilty for a prosecution.

Offline jim-NE

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2004, 12:37:07 AM »
They wrote the law here "open" in some regards so that kids and relatives could use equipment with the ID number of the owner or the user of the trap. What this did though was open things up so much now that you can still "own" the trap and have your ID on it, i.e. a driver's license #, a state issued ID number, etc. but someone else can use it because it is tagged legally. They may not have your permission, but as Wacky stated, how many have ever been prosecuted solely on the tagging laws?
Only benefit I've found with this so far is for my land owners only...if they encounter a trap or snare, and it has my tag, they know its me and they know they gave me permission to set there. Any other trap or snare they come across with a different obviously not mine. Here that would fall back to the trespassing laws and it would be up to the landowner to pursue those, and most don't really want to go to those lengths and hoops to get it accomplished correctly.
I lost two traps this year, one was a #110 and was obviously lost to a human as the stake was laying up on the bank with two chain links still wired to the stake and the third cut with something like pliers. The other was a #110 and looked like a beaver got the stake loose and gosh knows where that one will end up. Both are tagged with my info. I worry more about the human-stolen one as I roll my tags tightly around the chain loop on those #110s. Once I dyed them the tag isn't so readily obvious. I start to wonder then if a CO found the trap but didn't see the inconspicuous tag...or if it was just some slob who also probably didn't see it and is now using it or selling it...along with my info. Once its out there...its out matter how private the land is. And, I truly question the value of this law myself.

Offline Whistler

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2005, 02:31:01 PM »
Foxtail, you suspect a local CO of taking your trap tags, did they take your traps also (when they took your tags). Were you charged with untagged traps, how did they know they (traps) were yours? Here where I'm from traps with no tags are usually taken at that time unless the local CO has the time to set and wait an individual out thus observing him running his trapline then he would be charged with the violation. Please don't read into this that I'm trying to stir the pot.  I'm just trying to get a complete picture.


Offline jim-NE

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2005, 02:55:12 PM »
I talked to my CO, and he wasn't anywhere near where I had my trap stolen. He said what he normally does is snap the trap, and then leaves his card in between the jaws...if the set is suspect. Sort of a way to let you know he was there but didn't push the envelope too much with you. I liked his approach. He said he normally doesn't spend a lot of time at a set like that he believes is suspect...but will visit back at the area now and then to see if he can be there when the individual is checking them. Or, he waits for a phone call. He said he only gets phone calls from the law-abiding, so those are normally just a clarification and nothing more. If he truly spots a set in violation, he may take the trap, but depends again upon the situation and it isn't something he said he makes a practice of routinely.

Offline foxtail

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2005, 04:38:14 PM »
The traps were not taken, but one was moved.

The moved trap was the reason that I was pulling out of the spot before I got the beavers out of there.

The CO was sitting up on the hill watching me and saw me pulling my traps.

I had no quirks about talking to him as I knew everything about my sets was legal - until He demanded to see my tags as soon as he showed up. :?

Even at that point I knew that all was legal with my sets and traps. The traps were all submerged traps and had not caught anything yet.

Funny thing how the CO had the time to sit and wait for someone whose traps he claimed to not have seen before. :roll:

I am not 100% sure he took the tags off, more like 99% sure.

The bottom line is that someone took the tags and I am automaticly guilty of the crime of no tags. I does not matter that someone else, by the act of commiting the crime of trap tampering, made me so.

Offline Bubber

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2005, 06:00:10 PM »
I think the entire idea of trap tags is stupid. To make it a law that there must be a tag, containing personal information, that is easily removed, be attached to a trap is stupid. Not that my opinion makes any difference.

In Oregon when we recive our liscence the state issues us a brand number. It is a 4 digit number followed by a letter. This is stamped, I repeat stamped, into the trap. The only person who can trace this number back to a person is a gamey or someone who is directly affiated with OTC(such as thoes conducting our fur auctions). We wax all of our foothold traps, so the number fills full of wax and is not very visible, but it is there which is all the law requires. The Gamey has never said a word about it so nothing will change.  This system solves all the problems I have mentioned as well as a few of yours. There is still a way to trace it back to the owner which is both good and bad for obvious reasons.

Over the years we have had three traps returned to us out of I don't know how many stolen. One of thoes caused me more heartache than it solved. While I was perfectly legal it took me two hours argueing whith the warden and numerous hours pouring over legal description of property boundrys to prove my innocence just in case he decided to take action. (He didn't)

I don't know if our regs will help your battle any but feel free to contact me with any questions.

Offline PA-Joe

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2005, 03:12:51 AM »
WHy assume that it was the wco. It could be the property owner or an anti-trapper. Do you have the written permission of the property owner to be trapping there?

Offline foxtail

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I need trap tag requirement info.
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2005, 04:32:00 AM »
WHy assume that it was the wco.

Because he has been harrassing me for a few years now.
Every year, something dubious happens to one of my traps where only HE finds it. This stuff never happens except where he has been tromping around.

There was an issue with my sister and some loser who entrapped her for a game violation a few years ago and this CO was involved. Every since then, my good name comes under attack yearly.