Author Topic: Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????  (Read 615 times)

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Offline redneckd1

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« on: December 13, 2004, 09:10:38 AM »
I need a little help here, maybe just some more patience...but, I hunt in Alabama and have found a spot with some excellent deer sign. There are 20 or so rubs on some small trees and large, some of these are on trees 6-8 inches in diameter and over 2 feet long!! Now all of these rubs are in less than 100 yard distance, there was even a small scrape, which is a little unusual since the peak rut here seems to kick in about mid Jan down here. Anyway, I have sat a stand where I can see the highest concentration of the rubs and areas leading in and out of the area, I've put quite a few hours in the stand and have only seen two yearling does come through. Now, I know I'm not going to see a wallhanger in there everytime I sit the stand, but shouldn't I be seeing more deer activity in general, does, spikes etc...??? I sat in places with much less deer sign and seen deer everytime as many as 6 in just a couple of hours. Any ideas on where these deer are???

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Offline Graybeard

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2004, 10:39:12 AM »
Not necessarily. What part of Bama are you in? What type of area is this where all the sign is located? Is it deep woods or near fields or what?

Could be this is a staging area where the bucks gather just prior to full darkness before moving out into field after dark. If it's really seriously thick it might have been a bedding area and your activity there might have moved them elsewhere.

More info would help folks to help you.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2004, 12:05:29 PM »
Yup, Id give it a bit more time.  You need to remember that deer are not like bears.  Bears will clean a spot out of food and leave, deer browse and will most likely re-visit and browse again, like a cycle.  If the does are following this type of cycle, and the bucks are following the does, then you cant expect to see deer all the time.  The area I hunted heavily this year was just such an example.  We found that the deer made a giant circle, about 3 or so miles, feeding along this circle and would wind up back in the genral spot we were hunting roughly every 4 days.  It was almost like clockwork.  You spend a couple of days seeing deer, including nice 10 pointers and a 4 pointer or two, then nothing for the next 4 days.  Yeah we had, like you, a couple of skippers whos mama must have got wacked who didnt know any better to stick with the group.  So for the most part they hung around that spot and we saw them constantly.  But the big guys were running the cycle.  Best advice anyone can probably offer is to be patient.  But if you keep on seeing nothing THEN maybe its time to move on out.
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Offline redneckd1

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2004, 01:17:54 PM »
Thx Grey beard and NH, I think I may just need some more patience. I'm hunting just nort of Andalusia and the specific area is in some hardwoods just uphill from a creek and swampy area, not too thick, but not open either, just have to pick your shot kinda place. There are some short planted pines about 100 yards north of it and I think the deer are bedding in there. There is plenty of fresh sign and I've hunted the spots mornings, afternoons, and all day (man my butt was sore after that one)!! It just seems like I should be seeing more deer, there are still plenty of acorns on the ground and no one else has really been in the area, so they shouldn't feel "pressured", also plenty of fresh droppings when I go in there. Could it be that they only go through that area at night?? It isn't really close to any food plots, so I thought it would be a great place to catch them mid-morning, mid-day kind of spot, who knows?? I'm going to lay off it for a week or so and maybe hit it again after this cold front comes through!! Thx again guys!!

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Offline Graybeard

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2004, 07:37:24 PM »
Don't be too sure your presence hasn't tipped them off. They are far better at patterning you than you are them. Lots of fresh droppings could indicate either a bedding or feeding area. I've seen plenty of oak flats with heavy feeding activity and fresh droppings. If this is the case they might be feeding only at night.

I'd be looking for trails between the thick young pines and swamp area. They should be traveling between those two at least to some extent. While I like rubs in an area I hunt I don't specifically hunt rubs. I hunt trails or feeding areas.

From what you've said I'm assuming no crop fields so woods food is what they're using. Down in south central Bama where you are there should be a pretty good population of deer. Rut should be late, not before middle of next month.

Don't wait until AFTER the cold front. Be out there while it's cold and clear and hopefully calm.

Here's a little hint for you I've used with great success before in really thick areas like those young pines likely are. Find a tree you can climb to over look the area and look down into it. Make you some deer trails in it where you want the deer to travel. Kinda late for it this season but think about doing it next summer. Deer will follow man made trails thru thick areas, the thicker the better they use them. Wind those trails where you want the deer to go.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline redneckd1

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2004, 03:54:23 AM »
That's great advice GB, I do plan on making some 'artificial' deer trails over the summer to insure more deer sightings next year. I wish I could be out there before, during and after this cold front, but I have to work and live 100 miles away from my lease!!! Let's see if I leave work at noon, I can be in the stand a little after 2 and then be back home by about 8, now to come up with an excuse to leave!!!!
Thx again,

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2004, 04:12:02 AM »
If the sign is there the deer made the sign and they are there also, a older fellow told me some 40+ years ago in mich that for every deer YOU see there are 10 you dont, give it a little more time and patience, like has already been posted you may have spooked them out for a while, :D    JIM

Offline insanelupus

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2004, 09:54:11 AM »
I have a hell of a time sitting for longer than 3 or 4 hours at a time.  I hunt Missouri and Montana whitetails and here is something that has always worked well for me.  I sit for a few hours in the morning and maybe until 10 or 11 if I can wait that long.  Then I still hunt.  Now those young pines are PERFECT for still hunting, IF you do it right.  Make sure you are moving into the wind.  Now if a buck is up and moving, 80-90% of the time, the'll move into the wind, so you are looking for something bedded or maybe moving cross wind.  Step slow, very slow, and take a good pair of binos.  Every time you stop, you glass, ALOT.  It takes practice but it can be done.  Follow the deer trails.  And make sure to squat down and look under the trees and pine boughs ahead, around and behind you.  In thick cover like that always check your 6 (behind you).  If they are there, and you are moving quietly, as long as they don't wind you, you'll catch them bedded.  You just have to see them before they get up to run.  If they don't know what you are, they usually won't expend the energy running, unless they've been hunted hard.  Also, I'd use pleanty of doe scent on your boots and pant lets.  On occasion, find a good spot to sit and sit for 15-20 minutes watching your backtrail.  It's much more exciting than stand hunting, and quite an accomplishment to get one this way.  I've done it for years, and absolutely love it.
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Offline redneckd1

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Great spot, bu tno deer...advice????
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2004, 11:14:03 AM »
Thx Insanelupas, I think I will give that a try. These pines are big enough for me to walk between the rows and glass the thickets in and on the edges to look for deer. It is easier to be quiet in there with all the pine straw vs. dry oak leaves in the hardwoods!! It will give me something to do between morning and afternoon hunts in the stand and might just get me what I'm looking for!!
Thx again,

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