Author Topic: Newbie (kinda) question re parts  (Read 459 times)

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Offline tallyho

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Newbie (kinda) question re parts
« on: December 14, 2004, 10:43:13 AM »
I'm a newbie to the SA forum, spend much of my time with NEF/TC folks.

But, I have recently acquired a sixgun (Uberti Regulator) that is not exactly pristine. I got it at a good price, and it seems basically overall in good shape, but the cylinder doesn't lock up when the hammer is cocked quickly. Locks up fine if cocked slowly.

A local gunsmith suggests I need a new bolt and hand. Any other thoughts from y'all expert types?

And, where would be a good place to get these parts.

Thanks in advance.

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Offline Iowegan

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Newbie (kinda) question re parts
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2004, 12:47:41 PM »
tallyho, If the cylinder locks up properly when cocking slow, that tells me the timing is fine and there is nothing wrong with your hand. The bolt (cylinder stop) may be rounded a bit or it could be as simple as a weak bolt spring.

First, check the cylinder's lock notches. They should be cut sharp with no peening. If the slots are peened, you will feel a ridge on the trailing edge (opposite side from the leade). These can be dressed and tightened up somewhat with a hammer and punch.  This is a common problem with the Ubertis because they use soft metal in their cylinders. If the cylinder slots are sharp, then I would suspect a worn bolt, weak bolt spring, or a worn slot in the frame where the bolt is located. If the previous owner liked to cock the gun briskly, the massive cylinder will slam into the bolt and cause the slot to peen wider. This makes the bolt drift and not lock up properly into the cylinder.

You can check the "bolt slack" by cocking the gun and checking for excessive side play. A little "wiggle" is OK but too much will allow the cylinder to spin past the bolt when cocked. If you do have excessive side play, try to determine if it is coming from a wide frame slot or a rounded bolt (or peened cylinder slots). Remove the cylinder and grab the bolt with your finger nails by straddling the top strap. It should have no more than a few thousandths of side play. While you're at it, push the bolt down. It should have considerable spring tension with no free play.

Let us know what you find.

Offline tallyho

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Newbie (kinda) question re parts
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2004, 02:45:17 PM »
Iowegan, thanks for all that.... :grin:  it is very helpful.

Here's what I can report:

The bolt is quite rounded, in fact it kinda looks like somebody filed or ground it down some!!? Also there seems to be a fair bit of side to side play doing the fingernail thing. And the bolt pushes down quite easily, not much spring tension.

The cylinder notches have a very small indication of peening, just barely noticiable to me.

I am wondering if a previous guy tried to make it into some kind of "fanning" or quick draw gun... the reason I wonder this is because I bought it with the fron sight missing as well, and there is indication that the back of the frame (the recoil shield?) had been somewhat polished or ground too. My gunsmith friend here suggested that ("fanning") as a possibility for why the gun may be in the condition it is in.

Thanks again for your help. I am guessing I'm in the market for a bolt and a spring... can you suggest where these might be acquired.

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Offline Iowegan

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Newbie (kinda) question re parts
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2004, 06:25:22 PM »
You may have hit the nail on the head...sounds like someone did some kitchen table gunsmithing.

I'm not sure but I think the Uberti Cattleman uses the same bolt and bolt spring. Look at parts 8 and 38 in Brownell's schematic.

That would be a good place to start. You could also try Gun Parts Inc in NY.

Offline tallyho

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Newbie (kinda) question re parts
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2004, 06:37:07 PM »
This has been very helpful for me. I at least know where to start. I appreciate your assistance.

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