I have two Ruger 32H&R mags, one in SS Birdshead and one ccb plowhandle grip. Both are great shooters, both have fixed sights, both are the 4&5/8 bbl.
For fun, and since I use them for Cowboy Action Shooting, I load starling brass with 12.3grns of American Pionier Powder(Formerly CleanShot), a black powder sub, under a 115grn .314dia Lazercast bullet for a 32-20. These are FUN, moderat loads that just make ya smile to shoot them. A couple of months ago I seen a 'youte in the back yard and that BP 115grn load rolled him up in a ball with no problems. Full penatration on both frt sholders and he just floped a couple times and died like a nice 'youte should. That is my general, "go for a walk in the woods load", when I carry one for a CCW gun, I load it with Federal HI-SHOK 85 grn jacketed hollow points and don't feel a bit under guned.
I am a great fan of the 32H&R Mag. If I was to buy a new CCW gun,(I have a couple that I carry now), it would be a Ruger small framed DA, 2 or 3 in bbl in SS.
Greeenriver(Not a real big fan of adjustable sight on pistols other than target models. Do like adj sights for hunting and long range shooting.)
PS: Michbob, Carl's sporting goods in Cadillac will recieve guns for ya. He's on 55 out east of town a few miles. Talk to him first.