Author Topic: The dutch way (your worst dreams coming true)  (Read 394 times)

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Offline dutchshooter

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The dutch way (your worst dreams coming true)
« on: December 15, 2004, 04:05:35 PM »
Looking for some information I found this board, and came into contact with one of the members, MSP Ret. Talking about the situation in my country, he asked me to write a piece in this forum, as a warning to all of you to take good care of your rights and freedom, and get some idea of what it is like if your 2nd amendment rights would be reduced or worse:

Private ownership of guns is forbidden except for sportsshooters and hunters. On a total of 16.000.000 people there are less than 80.000 permitholders, who are subject to very strict rules en regulations. Guns are only allowed for shooting sportscompetion and hunting.

Most politicians (and police) would prefer to end private gunownership and take every opportunity to narrow our rights. Using a gun to protect your possesions, house or family is completely unthinkable. If a burglar would brake into your house, and you shoot him you go down for manslaughter:
he is just a poor burglar, you are a killer...

Protecting yourself even without a firearm is illegal in Holland: for example peppersprays or maze are forbidden, so in the eyes of the politicians it is ok for a woman to get molested, robbed, or raped in the street or subway, but it is not ok that she can defend herself against her attaquers.

Due to the open borders in Europe  appprox. 100.000-150.000 firearms
are illegally imported in Holland from the former Eastblock every year. They are sold to the two major groups of people in our country who are known to posses illegal firearms : criminals and immigrants that own guns because they were used to it in their country of origin.

When politicians or leading policeauthorities deside it is time to do something about illegal firearms they start by increasing the manpower put in checking out the registered owners.

I could go on for a long time, but I hope the message is clear:
Be proud of the rights that you have been given, and don't let politicians take 'm away from you!!!!!!  


Offline MSP Ret

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The dutch way (your worst dreams coming tru
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2004, 03:12:02 AM »
Thanks for your post and willingness to share your thoughts and experience of limiting gun ownership by civilians. I like most police in this country are for private ownership of firearms, I even teach and certify civilians to get their first hunting licenses and permits to carry concealed weapons (pistols and revolvers). Unfortunately it is the minority, left wing politicians and some heads of police associations that get all the press. I am thinking in particular of an incident a few years ago where the president of the Chiefs of Police Association made a statement that the group was against private gun ownership, that made a big splash in the news, however the rank and file members of the association were appalled by his statement and voted against the concept backing the rights of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms, that however was hardly publicisized. Again an incident of the left wing media trying to force ideas down the throats of the people. Go George W., vote Republican and keep our rights to carry intact. God, Family, and guns keep our country strong, the liberals are trying to destroy each and every one. My daughter knows the teacher in California that is suing the school district, and in turn has been suspended, the point of contention is this, he is a history teacher and is not allowed to talk about or teach of our revered Declaration of Independence, because, ready for this, it has the word "GOD" in it. The school district states the separation of church and state must be maintained!!! There you have it friends, the liberals are now changing our history and sanitizing it to suit themselves. The reason for the founding of this country was freedom of religion and religion prosecution, no we cannot mention religion or God and are pescecuted for it again!!!   GOD, FAMILY and GUNS made this country and will keep it free...God Bless you Dutchshooter and everyone else here along with your families, and to all and a Merry CHRISTmas....<><.... :grin:
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley