This one just keeps on coming back. And every time it does we all state our opinions and just like a certain part of our anatomy we all have one.
All gun manufacturers are required to report production to the feds annually. This includes serial numbers and type gun. TC reports the manufacture of all frames. TC CLAIMS it reports ALL frames as handgun frames. BUT do they? If so, then how do they get them into places like CA and MA who don't allow handguns? Beats me.
But yes I do believe there is a federal database with the SNs of all TC frames and it will show how it left the factory whether as handgun or rifle. It can't legally go further than that however as to trace data. No record of who got it in other words.
We also always dance around the issue of the lawsuit won by TC and just what it really means and doesn't mean. I ain't going there again. Been down that road way too many times and there is no way we're going to agree on it anyway.