hello...i live in cary....there are 3 seperate populations of russian/feral
hogs in western nc......as for central to eastern nc there are at least 3 decent and several others pop of feral hogs.......closest near you is in caswell co near the town of casville.....this is mostly all on private land though i have heard of 1 being taken of of the game lands......second is in johnston co on the neuse river ....they are all over the river from I-95 to almost goldsboro...all this is private land "leased"except 1 piece.....aprox 2000 acres is owned by johnston comm college.....they own "howell woods"......this land was donated to the school by the howell family...it is loaded with hogs and the school wants them gone.......they have lottery hunts you have to apply for......3rd pop is in northhampton co and into virginia near emporia va...all this is private land.............there are a few other scattered populations like on a few of the barrier islands and a couple of other places..........i wouldnt be supprised to see eastern nc feral pop explode because of hurricane floyd a few years back.....a lot of hog farms were ruined with most getting drowned but i suspect a few survied............eastern nc hog pop is nothing compared to sc or ga.......thanks mack