You think the ACLU the only anti-Christmas group? Go to the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) web site. The ADL is among the most powerful and well funded Jewish Supremist groups. Evey year they launch an attack on Christmas. Numerous Jewish figures such as Rabbi Schmuley Boteach for one example, have appeared on various talk radio and cable television talk shows attacking the public observance of Christmas.
Moreover, the ACLU is largely a Jewish orgainization, founded, funded and administered by Jews.
I never ceased to be amazed by Christians who think that the Jews are their friends. Have you already forgotten the Jewish attack on the Christian film, The Passion of the Christ? Any public observance or expression of Christianity is attacked by them, but there is no pornography, no depravity too low that some Jewish civil rights orgainzation whether it is the ACLU or some other, that it will not be defended by them in the name of "free speech." There is actually a US Supreme Court case that said "XXXX the Draft" was constitutionally protected speech in a court house. "Thou shalt not kill", "thou shalt not steal" cannot be displayed in a court house in this country. ...but "XXXX the Draft" is protected speech! They have turned reality upside down!
WARNING: For your information that word is NOT protected speech at GBO. If you'd like to hang around here it best be the LAST time it's ever put on the screen at this site. ONCE more and you're HISTORY. Graybeard
William Donohue of the Catholic League publicly stated that Hollywood is run by Jews and that they hate Christianity. I am not the only person who feels this way. Billy Graham, in a taped phone coversation with then President Richard Nixon, commented on the destructive effect of Jewish control of the press and the entertainment industry. Nixon agreed, but told Graham to keep his opinions to himself or be destroyed. Ultimately the tape surfaced a couple of years ago. Graham was forced to grovel and meekly "apologize" for his "anti-semitic" comments. Why is it acceptable to attack Christianity in the most vile and vicious manner, but the Jews are absolutely immune from any criticism at all? Why are Jews given this preferred legal status?
Why are they so offended by Christianity, but not offended by Christian tax dollars?
Christians who attack people like me who defend the civil rights of Christians against Jewish supremists like the ADL and other prominent Jews are like a football team that tackles its own quarterback and then wonders why it never wins a game.
It's the Jews who are trying to take away your right to say "Merry Christmas" in public...not me.
Amazing....I defend the 1st Amendment the rights of Christians and I am attacked by Christians because the Jews are "God's Chosen People"?
What kind of insanity is this?