Author Topic: Gary Alt.  (Read 533 times)

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Offline grizzy57

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Gary Alt.
« on: December 21, 2004, 11:31:09 PM »
:D PA Deer Hunters,
Setting here reading the hometown newspaper and see on the front page that
GARY ALT is RESIGNING effective December 31 2004. Wonder what is up with that ?
  :eek:                        grizzy57

Offline Ron T.

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Gary Alt.
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 12:05:12 PM »
Don't know for sure, Griz...

I've read two totally different viewpoints on Dr. Gary Alt.  Some say he's a "nut" and some say he's a "savior".  I'm inclined to believe he knows what he's doing... and is... or WAS on the right track, but his method of improving the deer herd and the size of the buck's antlers TAKES TIME... it can't be done on only a few years!!!

But I bet his resignation has something to due to all the complaining many guys who hunt Pennsylvania are doing.  However, I wasn't one of 'em.

I'll be the first to admit we're seeing LESS deer in the woods in PA. now... especially during these last few years, but that makes sense since in Clearfield County where I hunt, they took about 7800 doe deer and 5300 bucks out of that one County in 2002... and close to the same in 2001 and 2003.

Taking 7800 doe deer one deer hunting season means there will be approximately DOUBLE that many yearlings NOT BORN  the following year... and so on and so on... and, ultimately, there will be LESS deer and MORE food for those deer that ARE still in the woods.

More food translates into larger racks on the bucks... the goal Dr. Alt, the Pennsylvania State Game Commission and a good many hunters WANTED in the first place.  But now... with Dr. Alt gone... I doubt that his Program will continue.

And that is too bad since his Program  was just beginning to "bear fruit".  While I haven't seen a LIVE deer in the woods for the past three years... but, by the SAME token, EVERY year for the past 3 years, someone in our deer camp (there are 6 of us) has taken an EIGHT (8) point buck in EACH of the past three (3) years... something we VERY RARELY EVER saw in the Pennsylvania woods prior to Dr.Alt's limit on taking a buck with 3 points (OR MORE) on at least ONE side that started in the (I believe) 2001 season.

Plus Dr. Alt's idea was that by hunting the doe deer and, thereby, limiting the number of doe deer eating up all the food... thus NOT leaving much for the "rut-tired" bucks to eat after the rut... the amount and quality of the natural food left for the bucks (both younger and older bucks) to eat would be greater thus causing better antler growth and bigger antlers on the remaining bucks.

Yes, there will be less deer because there are less doe deer to have fawns... but that is part of the "price" you pay for bigger antlers on bucks.

And so, I think Dr. Alt's methods WERE working... but not as fast as the impatient folks wanted them to work.  Now, these same people will complain about not only the lack of deer, but the total lack of BIG antlered bucks!!!

Ya can't win... and, in this case, I think the "losers" will be the hunters like me who pay over $100 for a non-resident deer hunting license and never even shoot a deer.  Been hunting there for 8 seasons... or over $800 worth... and I've never fired a shot, but I'm not complaining.  Just clarifying the facts since I mostly go to deer camp for the camaraderie, not to shoot a deer.

Anyway... that's the "story" on Dr. Gary Alt as far as I know it.

Strength & Honor...

Ron T.
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Offline JPSaxMan

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Gary Alt.
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 01:23:35 PM »
Hmm....that's odd. Does that mean that the antler restrictions will leave with him? Will we go back to the old days of buck season and doe season? That might not be a good thing.  :?

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Doctor: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

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Offline grizzy57

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Gary Alt.
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 10:13:34 PM »
:D Ron T
Thanks for the info!!  Just because they sell all those tags WE don't have to buy them! STOP shooting so many Doe's that is what the problem is all the
Bonus tags..TWO deer in one year is enough!! I live in south central PA I
saw lots of deer but didn't kill any and I could have. Now you are starting to see the results of people with extra tags in plastic bags with the backstrap and hams cut off and the rest wasted. SLOB HUNTERS  KILL,KILL, they don't look at the harm they are doing by  all this killing in the future we will be hard pressed to find any deer like it was in the early 1900's..
                                       grizzy57 :cry: