Author Topic: Any preferences for a woods gun???  (Read 2169 times)

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Offline dougk

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Any preferences for a woods gun???
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2005, 03:49:02 AM »
I'm going to get crazy here but the best woods gun is a 30-06/12 ga combo gun.  You have the 12 ga for up to 50 yrds and the 30-06 for up to 200 yds.  When going for deer I use a rifled choke for the slugs.
With a 2-8x scope you have everything you need.

Offline snowdog

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Any preferences for a woods gun???
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2005, 05:50:40 AM »
Not knowing the thickness of the woods you plan to hunt in.....
   Here in  Western Washington,  on the olympic peninsula,  it
   gets  really think with all the reprod, and blackberry bushes.
         when your knee deep in it,  with all the hills, knolls, and ravines
  you very seldom see animals out to 100yards,  walking thru the
  nasty brush, around the fir trees,  the 30/30 lever  winchester or
  marlin with maybe a williams peep sight is really hard to beat.
         I  use one load and bullet for all my 30/30 hunting.  IMR 3031
  with 170 grn bullet.   out to 100 yards,  this combination will cleanly
  take deer,  bear,  and  900 lb Roosevelt Elk.
30-30....45/70...... does anything else matter?

Offline Dogshooter

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Any preferences for a woods gun???
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2005, 04:53:01 AM »
I can understand everyone's preference for a slow, heavy bullet in the thick stuff but it ain't always the best choice. What happens if you step into a park or a clearing and can see a shooting lane that is 100, 200, or 300 yards and a nice buck is standing a couple hundred yards out. You want to push that 30-30 or 35 Remington out that far? An '06 or a 270 or a (put your choice here) with the ability to carry way out yonder will also work up close when needed. I don't want to have to pass a shot at a trophy because I am carrying too little gun. I guess if you know, absolutley, and without any doubt that your hunting area will never present you with a shot of over 100 yards, then your decision to go with a "brush" gun would be a good choice.
Perception is everything. For instance, a crowded elevator smells different to a midget.

Offline Qtip

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Any preferences for a woods gun???
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2005, 05:14:53 AM »
This is my humble opinion only. I own two Mod. 94's and love the way they carry and the cheap ammo available. Plenty enough for deer and black  bear in the woods. But... if I were in the market as you are I may consider the Browning BLR. They have new model out with pistol grip and schnoeble forearm that is real nice. In .308 w/2x7 variable this would work as a woods gun and handle 200+yd. shots if they arose. 308 comes in lots of factory loads and weights and the BLR from what I've heard owners say is very accurate, short and lightweight. Likely as close to an "all-around" rifle as you will get.

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