So where are you from? Could you go back now? Just kiddin. Maybe your 1 year in Texas has given you a bad taste in your mouth. From where I am, born and raised here, it just isn't quite the way you want to paint it. Maybe you are visiting the wrong watering holes and just keep meeting the wrong people.
Hunting in Texas is not all about money. Atleast not in the circles I hunt in. We are hard working folks who can't afford most leases or high dollar trophey hunts. I lease two places to hunt on. Leases are the way things happen here, not happy about it, but thats the way it is, get used to it if you plan to hunt in Texas. That or you could pony up the dough and buy your own place. Or contact the TP&WD and hunt the over 1 million public acres in the state for around a $40.00 permit.
I lease one small ranch 183 acres for $200.00 for 12 months of hunting/camping rights and it is 10 miles from my front door. I also lease 200 acres for $400.00 per gun (wife and I only this year) and it is 278 miles from my front door.
I work OT in order to pay for those two places and enjoy the heck out of both of them. Both are full of feral hogs and I run feeders for the hog traps on one place and two small feeders on the other to get the hogs in. Thats the way the ranch owner wanted it, thats the way I do it. Niether place is high fenced. 183 acres isn't even fenced at all on most of it.
If you want to see greed, visit the Texas Trophey Hunters Association Show in August in Houston. My wife and I go every year, great food, neat stuff etc.. But somebody please bring the reality back to the sport. It's crazy to see some of the deer farms and costs to shoot a deer. it is only a deer afterall. But honestly, not all of the farms are even located in Texas. There are quite a few across the country, Michigan, Illinois, and a few other northern states are just as bad. So don't mess with Texas little joe.