Author Topic: What cast bullet to use for 357 rifle on 200 meter rams?  (Read 705 times)

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Offline Sixgun

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What cast bullet to use for 357 rifle on 200 meter rams?
« on: December 27, 2004, 05:41:11 AM »
I have been shooting Cowboy Rifle SB and Pistol Cartridge Cowboy Rifle for a few years now.  The Problem is that they are shooting the 200 meter version of Cowboy Rifle at the Blacks Creek Range and I need a good load for that.  I have thought I would use my 357 with a 180 to 200 gr cast bullet.  A friend gave me some 180 gr RCBS cast bullets to try but they are to long.  I did swage the nose so it is wide enough to not be a problem in a tubular magazine but the bullet is still too long to cycle through my Rossi 92 action.  

I have a 158gr gas check mold that I get 2 inch groups with at 200 yards.  With 15 grains of 296 it gets just over 1800 fps at the muzzle.  Those groups were shot from a rest, I can't do that good standing on my hind legs.  Will this knock down the 200 meter Rams?  If not, someone suggest a 180 or 200 gr bullet mold that will work.

Thanks, Sixgun
You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Offline SteelEye

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What cast bullet to use for 357 rifle on 20
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 06:17:20 AM »
You may want to check out the ihmsa web site

A number of shooters there use 357 handguns for 200 yard rams.

Offline B_Koes

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What cast bullet to use for 357 rifle on 20
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2004, 06:31:14 AM »
Sixgun - I think your load should be plenty to knock over the rams...assuming they are not set full foot.  I've used both 158's and 180's effectively at our range, but it tends to vary a fair amount from range to range.  I'd be pretty confident about the knockdown power of your load.  The best teacher is experience! :)

Offline haroldclark

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357 Mould and Lever guns
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2004, 03:33:30 PM »
357 Magnum in a cowboy rifle.  Try the Saeco #353 180-grain cast bullet with a plain base (no gas check).  It is perfect for the 357 Marlin Rifle and any six-gun.

I have loaded and shot a bunch of this bullet with 13 grains of either IMR 4227 or H-4227.  The bullet has a flat nose that allows the desired OAL for most guns.

I have tested for accuracy many times (recorded in my database).  One of the most impressive and memorable groups was 20 shots inside 1.5" at 100 yards from a sandbag front rest and free held at the buttstock.  

It will take 200 meter rams.  I have used the same load in my 357 S&W 686 with a 6" barrel to take 200 meter rams.

I loaded some of these recently for a friend that want to use it pig hunting.  He had all he needed to take his pig and he is delighted with the load and his Marlin Rifle.

If you cast, you may find the mould at Gar for Reloaders at (973) 754-1114 in New Jersey. I bought many moulds from them (Garfolo is the name) in the past 18 to 20 years ago and I'm ready to order another.  The second generation of the family now runs the store.  There prices are better than any other place I can find.  

Harold Clark

Offline Sixgun

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What cast bullet to use for 357 rifle on 20
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2005, 03:53:00 PM »
Harold Clark,

That Saeco Bullet looks like a good choice.  I like that RNFP design.

My next question is, Do you need Seaco Handles for a Seaco mold.   I have Lyman, RCBS, and Lee (6 cavity) handles.  Will any of them fit or do I need Seaco handles too?

You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.