The real problem, is which of these guns to choose? The two Bisley's(.22 & .32?)or, the S&W M19-3 And the M17-4(Since these came into the same Gun Shop, while I was considering the two Bisley's!)? I almost had my mind made up on the Bisley's, until these two S&W revolvers showed up!
I guess what is bothering me, is whether or not, the Bisley's would hold there value enough that I wouldn't lose too much money, whenever I should decide to sell them? On the other hand, I know that the M19-3 and the M17-4, are popular S&W revolvers! And, value-wise, it seems that the S&W's should continue to climb in value(Even though these aren't "Rare" S&W's!)? The Bisley's, might never rise in value(Representing a "Loss" over time-rather than a "Gain"!)? All of this, is just assumption's on my part! Of course, this doesn't take into account, the differences in the "Fun" factor? My first thought, was to possibly buy the two Bisley's-and, shoot the .22 and collect the .32? Then I began to suppose that maybe even the ultra-"Rarity" of the Bisley .32(RB32W)might not even make up the difference in the potential collectible value between the two S&W revolvers and these two Bisley's? It seems that everybody is always looking to buy nice S&W revolvers-but, I have not got a feel for how the gun buyers would view these two Bisley's(In a few years?)compared to the two S&W's, in the open gun market(At that time)? The good input coming in now, is being very helpful to me however! I do appreciate it! Maybe with more input, I'll have enough information, to more easily decide upon buying(Or, not buying the two Bisley's-in stead of the two S&W's(M19-3 & M17-4)? :toast: