Author Topic: Civil War Snipers  (Read 1369 times)

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Offline crashresidue

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Civil War Snipers
« on: December 27, 2004, 07:19:04 PM »

In the book "Stalk and Kill", by Adrian Gilbert, there is a section on Civil War snipers.  It's way too short, but it's a good and informative read.

I'd never heard of the Kerr rifles - but I'd love to see one.  I've seen a Whitworth in a museum in TN.  It was supposedly recovered from a tunnel under the Tennesse River around Knoxville.

Gentle winds,
When all else fails, call for the gunships!

Offline 1911crazy

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Civil War Snipers
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2005, 03:33:45 AM »
There was a day of sniper stories on the history channel that started off with the civil war snipers. It had a lot of stories one guy was called california joe they said he actually made a 2 mile shot.  He was suppose to be one of the best shooters of that time.

I recently had met a guy from Ct. who was in WW2 who was on the beaches of Normandy.  He told me some facts about that day and who saved him.  He said that most of the guys from the northern cities never knew how to shoot nor had enough time to learn.  He said their bullets must have been going up in the sky thats why most of them died.  He said it was the southern boys that knew how to shoot and he was very lucky to be with them.  He knew how to shoot too from growing up in the country too.  But it was the southern boys who fought hard to advance on the beaches who saved his life and he wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them southern boys.

Offline crashresidue

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Civil War Snipers
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2005, 11:26:14 PM »
Cheers BigBill,

Boy, you had to go deep in this thread to have found this one!

If you look deeply into the little written about "modern snipers" - they were pretty much all Southern boys.  Or maybe "rural" would be a better word for them.

My "Lady" and I both are Southern - she was farm raised, where as I was "city bred".  When we take to the gun-range, and break out the "long guns" - well, she out shoots me pretty much all the time.  "Long-guns" meaning those with "extended range" - like our Shilo Sharps, 45-110 and our 1903A3, with 16X scope.

Her mentality is more of the "cover and concelment" where as I'm more the "fire and move" type - tried "maneuvour" but haven't managed to spell it right yet.

Inside 100  yds, I'm "the MAN" - get out side of this, and SHE becomes the one to worry about!  I'd HATE to try to "counter-sniper" her!  She's just TOO good at finding the "last place' you'll look!

1999 posts - d*mn, you write a lot!

Gentle winds,
When all else fails, call for the gunships!

Offline m-g Willy

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Civil War Snipers
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2005, 08:56:42 AM »
OL Californy Joe was a sniper for the north!
Then there was those Northern boys that was shoot'n fer Berdan called sharp shooters. (And it wern't because they was shoot'n Sharps)
So before you all get to uppity about how good the southern boys could shoot  :roll: just remember who won that war :P --Willy

Offline Medbill

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Civil War Snipers
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2005, 11:29:52 AM »
Boy I ain't touching this one with a ten foot pole but it does bring up an important issue.

Take your kids out shooting!  Teach them real marksmanship.  Take them out hunting with you so they learn how to move in the woods.   You never know when they might be called on and the skills you pass on might save their lives or someone elses.  Pray those skills are never needed against anyone but if they ever are you will know they are going into it already a cut above the average Joe.

Hold Center!
