Author Topic: caliber recommendation  (Read 1045 times)

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Offline myerslake

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caliber recommendation
« on: December 29, 2004, 11:16:37 AM »
I'm looking for recommendations on a handgun caliber.  I am thinking about purchasing a Thompson Center G2 or Encore for deer hunting in Michigan.  Shots would range generally 30-60 yards but maximum of 150 yards.  I would like the ability to purchase ammunition over the counter and would prefer something that has less recoil (ie. I don't want to go hunting for Whitetail with an Elephant gun).

What are the recommendations regarding the G2 versus Encore and recommended calibers.


Offline Trickyasafox

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« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2004, 11:40:56 AM »
if you go the encore route i've heard good things about the 7-08, and i know around here theres a fair selection of store bought ammo. i hear its more mild then the 308 too
if by yes you mean no then definately

Offline Whodaheck99

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« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2004, 12:35:52 PM »
I would go with a 7-30 Waters. Great deer or hog round.

Offline flatlander

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« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2004, 12:51:08 PM »
I'd give a good look at the good old 30-30 out of a contender or G2. 150 might be stretching it a wee bit, but not by much. It doesn't kick to speak of (IMO it is a very pleasant shooter) and I think the availability of inexpensive ammo from any store in the country is a plus, too. Also if you get into reloading, you can set it up with spire point bullets and make it a 200 yard gun.
From what I've heard, the encores tend to be a bit more finicky on occasion to get them shooting good tight groups. The contenders just don't seem to be having as many issues in that area.
I can't talk about the encore from first hand experience as far as recoil goes compared to the contender rounds, but I think 7-08 or 6.5x55 would be 2 that I would look at to begin with if you want to go with the encore.

Offline rickyp

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2004, 12:55:20 PM »
since your shots will be way less then 100 yards (normally) I woud go with 45 long colt (a true and not the 45/410) , 44 mag,  41 mag.
For the 45 colt you will ahve to order from someone like corbon so you  can get the true preformance from it.

You will have abetter selection if you start handloanding.

Offline haroldclark

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« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2004, 01:57:49 PM »
Greetings to all and A Happy New Year to come.

I have either had or still have all of the calibers mentions so far and fired them all many times.  I have a 308 15" encore which I dearly love, but if you don't reload for it, you might as well go out to your truck and slam the door on your hand.  I really hate that in a gun.  I have a buddy that bought a 7-08 and fired it 3 times and put it back in the case and made some very interesting additions to the English Language.  We both put Holland Muzzle Brakes on our barrels. We shoot and practice a lot with the muzzle brakes, but the guns would be in the safe otherwise.

Now, recoil is subjective and I am very subject to it.  I have a 7-30 waters, 30-30 Win., 7mm TCU, 7mm BR, 357 Mag, 44 Mag and more.  For up to and further than 150 yards, I would take my 7mm BR or it's equivalent the infamous 7-30 Waters.  

People worry about buying ammo everywhere and in all little stores.  If I am going hunting, I will surely take several boxes of ammo.  That will be the least expense on your hunting trip, so don't worry about that.

By the way, my 7-30 waters is a hunter barrel.  I really like the 30-30 barrel (16.25" long with muzzle brake), but I would still opt for the 7-30 Waters because I would shoot and practice more with it.  When Hunting Time comes, I will be well practiced and comfortable with the gun I want to use.

Muzzle brake noise?  Of course, it is noisy.  LIke a regular barrel is not noisy.  All of us should be wearing electronic hearing devices when hunting or at the range no matter what you are shooting.  If I was in the woods and without electronic hearing devices, a Grizzly Bear could step on my face before I could hear it coming.  I really hate that too.

Lots of luck on your selection.  If you are like the rest of us, your first selection will not be your only barrel.  Its like drugs! You just can't have too many barrels in a bunch of calibers.

Harold Clark

Offline deerslayer41

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2004, 04:20:12 PM »
For your info- you have to use a .35 caliber or larger straight walled cartridge to handgun hunt in the shotgun zone in Michigan.  I'm using a 14'' .375 winchester that I bought earlier in the year.

Offline flatlander

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« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2004, 05:10:58 PM »
Well, the straight wall requirement will change my answer. I'd probably go with a 44 mag and shoot lighter bullets loaded hot. I know a lot of guys go for the heavier bullets, but I have had great luck with 200's and even 180's, but I'm reloading so I can load them where I want them. A 41 mag would even be a good choice as well. I haven't shot the 45 LC or 375, but they might be good options also. I just don't know where the recoil will be on those. I would think that if you are under the restrictions that deerslayer listed, the contender would still be my recommendation.
I agree with you Harold on the hunter barrels. I have a 7-30 in a hunter barrel that is so far the easiest barrel I've ever shot. No muzzle flip and the recoil is extremely pleasant. It is one of those barrels that is just fun to shoot and accurate to boot. I've converted several guys to shooting Contenders simply by letting them have a shot or 2 at the range with that barrel. The 30-30 is roughly equivalent. However, I did accidently shoot it without hearing protection ONCE. It was one of the more painful things I've been through. I was shooting at a 200 yard target and forgot to put my muffs back up. After I pulled the trigger, I had to check to see if my ears were bleeding. They weren't, but they rang for 3-4 days afterward, and I'm sure I have some damage as a result. Electronic muffs are the only way to go with the hunter barrels IMO.

Offline Ex-Cajun

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2004, 09:30:42 PM »
I'd opt for the 44mag too!  With the lighter bullets in factory ammo, practice will get you in the zone for the 150 shots, although it's up to you ultimately to take that risk.  If you can kep it in the flat spot on a paper plate at 150ish yards, that's MOD (Minute Of Deer).  Drops deer like a friggin HAMMER!
2nd choice would be the 45-70.  You can load'em light or heavy and then you have a barrel for hunting bigger game.
"There's nothing better than a nice CRISP trigger!"

Offline Racepres

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2005, 02:59:13 PM »
My $0.02... If you are in the shotgun zone of MI , I would use the .45 win mag. that way you can shoot .45 acp's for fun on the cheap. If however you are north of the shotgun zone...  I use the 357 Herrett, but since ya don't handload I would bet that the .30-.30 or maybe better yet the 7-30 waters would make great contender music. I base this on the fact that I have killed deer w/ a 7 TCU and I believe these numbers sre superior to it....   Marty

Offline wheelgun

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2005, 02:58:25 AM »
I have a 14" 45 win mag that will out shoot my 14" 44 mag. The 45wm is a very accurate barrel and loves a load of Blue Dot under a 250 gr xtp.I like my 44's but the 45 win mag is a shooter.I have shot a lot of 45 acp in mine it can't headspace on the mouth the extractor is holding it in place.You don't hear much about 45 wm but it is a good round.

Offline mudriver

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« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2005, 05:08:47 AM »
I have a factory 10" 44 mag barrel I used last year to drop a large doe at 130 yards.  The doe dropped in it's tracks from a 210 grain bullet.  I did get the barrel recrowned and a 6 screw mount put on it and with 180 grain Hornady XTP's it'll shoot 1.5" at 100 yards.  BTW the factory loads from 240 grains and up kick like a mule :cry: .

I don't shoot that barrel as much as my 30-30 AI barrel.  IMO you'll enjoy shooting a 7-30 or 30-30 quite a bit more and will be more accurate with it.

Offline billjoe

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2005, 07:30:20 AM »
If you need a straight walled case, don't forget the 357Max.  It shoots very easy and is as accurate as any.  Not sure if you can buy over the counter ammo for it though.  It is easy to reload however.

If you decide between the 30-30 and 7-30, the 30-30 will let you have better ammo selection and the hunter barrels are sweeet to shoot.  I have both and at the ranges you shoot, you'd love the 30-30 hunter.  The electronic muffs are a given for the hunter.  

Whatever you choose, you'll enjoy them.

Offline flyfisher

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2005, 05:55:33 AM »
Love my .375 Win., which should do anything that you ask it to, plus it is a straight walled case, if that's what you're concerned with.  Have to agree that a .44 Mag, .41 Mag, or .375 Max would also be great straight-walled choices as well.  If looking for a bottle-necked cartridge, I'd choose the 7-30 Waters, 30-30, or .35 Rem.  Just do what we all seem to one of each and decide which to use later!
How'd you like a peek at my 14-incher? (Contender, that is)

Offline MnMike

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caliber recommendation
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2005, 05:44:57 PM »
I like the 45 Win Mag and the 7-30 Waters. The win mag is great for 50 yd shots and the 7-30 is good to 150 yds.

Just my opinion

Mike Ellestad