hello harp98, I have a bf pistol built by eben brown in the french gray finish. The finish looks like a middle of the road between a ruger super redhawk and a dull remington boltaction stainless.
I have not had a blued gun done.
I had this gun built in late 2000 and i have carried hunting, shot it at the range and groundhog hunted with it in every field condition. I havn't had any problems with rust at all. I don't really see a advantage over ss but would be good for a blued gun.
the only reason i had this gun done in french gray was because it was a custom gun. the cost was only 75 dollars. you can't switch barrels on this gun so it would stay as one piece unlike my addictive problem i have with my contenders. my #1 barrel in contender switches calibers every 3 mos. bru