Author Topic: USFA Single Action Army for Deer?  (Read 600 times)

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Offline jakes10mm

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USFA Single Action Army for Deer?
« on: January 02, 2005, 07:35:38 AM »
What do you all think of a US Firearms SAA in 45 Colt for hunting deer?  I read a couple articles on their website that talked about the strength of the pistols and the "weak" factory loads being produced.  One article stated that the original 250gr blackpowder loads were pushing 1000 fps.  Another claimed that it could handle 255gr loads in excess of 1100 fps. Opinions?

Offline Mikey

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USFA Single Action Army for Deer?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 09:57:56 AM »
jakes10mm - I'll tellya the same thing I was told when asked if the newer reproductions of the 1873s (assuming that's what we're talking about) would handle hunting loads that were a bit stiffer than the originals - just almost exactly the same thing you are asking.  I was thinking of a 4 and 5/8 Cimarron Arms in 45 LC for just that.

What I was told was that the newer revolvers are just newer and that the strength of their design is no stronger now than it was back then.  It isn't the newer materials and metals used in the reproductions, it is the desgn of the pistol that is really not intended to withstand higher pressures.

In addition, the sights aren't all that great.  

That being said however, you can throw a 255 gn Keith style semi-wadcutter from a 7.5" bbl at around 850-900'/sec, which is getting up there for that revolver design, and plunk it right on through a whitetail at out to 50 yds if you are good enough.  You really don't need to magnumize a slug like that to make it work, it does it all by itself.  

If you want to bust those loads out there and try and reach out for 100 yds, you're going to need something like a Ruger.  

Don't get me wrong, I think a 45 caliber cartridge throwing a 255 gn swc at about 850'/sec makes for a dang decent load.  I would gladly duplicate that from a 45 auto and pack it for a woods gun, but not a primary hunting firearm.  IMHO.  Mikey.

Offline Castaway

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USFA Single Action Army for Deer?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2005, 12:07:57 PM »
I was hunting for the right words, but Mikey said it better that I could have.

Offline jakes10mm

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USFA Single Action Army for Deer?
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 12:36:56 PM »
Thanks for the feedback.  I agree with you on the design limitations of the SAA.  While looking through the USFA website, I found a review of the pistol that indicated that it is not in the league of the Blackhawk, but stronger than the original Colts.  To paraphrase:

Handloader magazine - August 2004 issue
They clocked a 255gr Lyman 454190 loaded with 11.5gr of VV-3N37 at 1002 fps.  They additionally stated that 255gr and 285gr cast bullets could safety be pushed to 1150 fps and 1050 fps, respectively.  

The areas I hunt seldom give you a shot beyond 60-70 yards.  I was thinking  of the USFA "Target" Model that would provide a little better sights.  I totally agree with non-magnum loadings.  Just curious about a "warm" load.  

Thanks again,