Tom, there are so few bear in my area that I have never even seen a track before. Every-now-and-than there is a sighting of a bear and a woman actually shot one a few years ago during deer season. She claimed the bear was charging her, but when they peeled the hide they found all her shots where in the back side of the bear. I dragged the beaver about 60 yards into the brush and covered it up with leaves and such. I want to find out if there are any canines in the area. Something hit it last night, but I think it was a oppossum. Been raining all night so there were no tracks. I talked to a friend of mine and he said he always carried a few sharp knives when he was way back in the brush and didn't want to have to carry them out. The sled I have will easily carry 5 or 6 large beaver, but would work a lot better on snow instead of mud. Worm