Keith I have used T-7(still do) but I shoot sidelocks no inlines. Most of the CRUD-RING stuff I have heard about is IN-LINES. The only thing with T-7 use very little lube on the patches(just sort of damp), and I now only use RWS caps(1075 plus). In larger grain loads (60grns and above) the RWS caps seem to give more complete ignition, can shoot all day,easy to load, hardly any fouling. Some of the crude tests I have done I did not find T-7 to be very hygroscopic, unlike APP powder or real black powder. Prior to shooting T-7 I have found that all lubes must be removed from the barrel, I use disk-brake cleaner and several pathes, till they come out clean, I think(others will probabaly prove me wrong) oil contamination of any kind is biggest single problem with SUBS and reliability. I have been trying to get away from shooting T-7 because of the price and availablity out here, well I hope that some of this rambling has helped. Good shooting...Respectfully Montanadan.