Author Topic: Making Marlin 336 into breakdown  (Read 517 times)

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Offline bufflernickl

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Making Marlin 336 into breakdown
« on: January 06, 2005, 02:52:01 AM »
I'm getting ready to rebarrel a Marlin 336 from .30-30 to .38-55. I'd like to make it breakdown, but I havn'et solved all (or even enough:-) of the engineering problems yet.

Without going into my proposed method at this time, I'd like to ask for help from the forum.

Has anyone done this particular job? If so, i'd like a quick rundown on how you handled the mods.

BTW, this rifle will have a scope that has too large an objective bell to allow the magazine tube to rotate with the barrel unless the scope is removed first.



Offline gunnut69

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Making Marlin 336 into breakdown
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2005, 06:45:34 AM »
Sounds to me as if your looking at making an interrupted thread takedown system.  They are typically not as long wearing as the full thread version but should be nearly as strong.  The early M99 Savages used this system but they loosened and were replaced with full thread systems in later rifles. I've not done this myself but have seen examples.  They usually use a plate conntecting the barrel and magazine together and the action faced off a bit to allow cartridges to be stopped by the shell stop.  The device to retain the farearm assembly was also mounted to the adaptor plate. On the example I worked on the mag had been altered to a 1/2 mag and retension was in the adaptor plate and consisted of a cross pin.  If the full strength is needed perhaps the scope could be mounted in Leeupold QuickRelease mounts and the takedown process altered to include removing the scope before removing the barrel/mag assemble.
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Offline Racepres

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Making Marlin 336 into breakdown
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2005, 08:43:33 AM »
There was an NRA Gunsmithing guide that outlined this procedure on a Win 94 but I would think that the basics are the same. Would take some time for me to identify the particular vintage of the Guide but if ya need it LMK. They basically used the method outlined by gunnut69,as I recall. Good luck .. If I was braver I would do it to my old 94 but,,,,,,,, Later Marty