Ackley himself never made a .222 mag. imp. round, but he does mention it in his second book. If your looking for increased velosity over the .222 mag., your waisting your time. When you increase the volume of a case you will get a velosity increase equall to abt. 1/2 of the volume increase. With the .222 mag. that figures out to be about 25 fps. with a 55 grn. bullet, at the same chamber presures. The Ackley shoulder does give you a round with alittle more inhearent accuracy though. All round are not created equall when it come to improveing them. The older rounds like the .30-30 and the .22 Hornet, with their body taper and long shoulder gain far more case volume, and velosity than do the newer round with less body taper and sharper shoulders. I am an Ackley fan though, my E-mail ad is Ackleyimp@ aol.