Hey Buckslayer, just so you know (and this comes from thier help section page) you can actually substitute accessories on the bow packages. If you like evrything on the Grizzly but preferre the whisker biscuit rest they will gladly make the substitution and just adjust the price (which shouldnt change the price much at all.) All ya gotta do is contact them (which is probably a better idea when you order the bow instead of off the website directly, this way if you have any questions or other problems they can handle it directly.) Some of the Factory accessory packaages have accessories you can only get as the package deal, but the biscuit is not one of them. They should have no problem fitting it on for ya.
I have a biscuit rest, and Im getting the prong rest. The biscuits have some issues you should know about, the prong rests are old standbys, but far from perfect. I will start off with the prong rest on my new bow and may switch off to the whicker biscuit sometime next year. But if I could do it all over again I would probably go with a drop away rest. Many people have recommended them and I see more and more "pros" going over to them. They cost more money, but I think they may be worth you taking a look at. Since the bow will be professionally set up it should come to you spitting arrows beautifully. You wont get any arrow velocity loss nor will you ever have a flectching clearance problem. With the budget you stated this simple chang will probably be the best investment you ever made.
But anyways, give the Hunters Friend folks a call and they should tell ya what ya need to do about switching out rests.
Brian M.