Author Topic: Schnabel rifle forend on handgun barrel!?  (Read 500 times)

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Schnabel rifle forend on handgun barrel!?
« on: January 06, 2005, 08:38:53 PM »

I have a TC Schnabel rifle forend that I like very much and I think it will look mighty fine on a handgun barrel, if it can be installed without effecting the accuracy.  So I have a question for you:

What are the disadvantages of installing a TC rifle forend (Just attaching the first screw) on a 15" tapered handgun barrel?  I will drill a secound hole if I absolutly have to.

I will probably install a plastic washer on the inside and a small metal washer on the outside of the forend to torque the screw tight.  I may glass install a aluminum pillar if it would solve the problem.

Has anyone tried this?

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Schnabel rifle forend on handgun barrel!?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2005, 02:05:57 AM »
Depending on the caliber, one problem that could happen is the one screw holding the forearm could be bent by the recoil.  I do this with a 223 that only has one hole for the forend and it is fine.  Heavy recoiling calibers MIGHT bend the screw.

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Schnabel rifle forend on handgun barrel!?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2005, 04:03:26 AM »
Thanks Possum,  I should have mentioned the caliber earlier.  It is a 7-08.

With 223, when/if forend shifts from side-to-side, have you noticed any change in POI?

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Schnabel rifle forend on handgun barrel!?
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2005, 05:35:03 PM »
I have not fired that particular 223 barrel very much.  I just got it and I am going to convert it to a 14" hole spacing.  It will leave here on Monday.  

I have 44 mag barrel that I was playing with when the screw bent.  I was trying out a homeade full length 10" foream with the one screw.  It may depend on how the forearm is mounted whether it bends or not.  I had a lot of spacers between the barrel and the forearm, so the screw was lengthened in it's hold - if you can picture that.  

I am guessing that on a 223 the recoil will be mild and it would not compromise the screw.  As far as the POI shifting - well, the 223 that I have did not get fired enough to tell.  I noticed it wouldn't group very good with some Winchester 45grs.  Then I found that the scope base had some screws coming out and the rings were not as tight as I like.  So everything came off and I decided to have another dovetail cut and an estuchion (sp?) installed for the 14" forearm.  

With all that said, this must be a TC rifle forearm with a single hole already?  or does the handgun barrel have  only one hole?  Was it a Contender forearm or the other rifle they built?

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Schnabel rifle forend on handgun barrel!?
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2005, 04:58:04 PM »

It is a standard Encore Rifle forend and standard Encore Pistol barrel.  I guess the first screw hole on rifle and pistol barrels locations are all the same.  It is the location of the second hole that is different.

I am thinking of installing a VV hanger bar and working the forend to fit.   That's if forend is deep enough.  Anyone has tried this?