S&W makes great pistols, that shoot loose after a time.
Smith people will tell you their guns are not designed to handle +P in given caliber, so avoid that problem. The new cannon, of course, will shoot anything you can imagine, but it is huge and do we need it?
FAs pistols, as GB said above, are excellent choice and spendy, but handle A-bomb loads, as do
Ruger Reds, but these do much much better with a good trigger job. (Ruger single actions do well, but shoot differently due to grip, as noted, and are really a bit larger, still ...
Singleshots like T/C will do as much, but are larger etc...but can be changed round easily, very easily-I just bought first one and am getting to know them better. Seem to be a good choice for certain shooters and fooling with loads etc. Singles offer semi rifle type shooting.
In SE MN, while it is illegal to shoot a deer with a 30-06 rifle, a 30-06 Encore is perfectly legal - politicians don't know s--t about anything having to do with common sense - so these guns fill in for some, while others use the 357s, 10s, 44s, 45s and so on. (I had a SS, original muzzle brake 30-06 Lone Eagle with 3-8 Leopold atop. Great gun, great balance, safe, but was made offer for it I could not refuse.
Like I implied above, ask ten shooters, get ten different opinions. Ain't it fun?