Sure sounds like a workable unit in your area. I know they have used the gps/cellphone signal tracking feature in Cal. to rescue a woman who drove off a cliff.
I believe we will see a lot of gps uses over the next year or so.
All new cell phones must have a GPS unit in them. when you dial 911 the call taker will hit a button and he/she will know your position. they will be able to track you as you are moving.
I don't know about other cell phones, but next el has a service for businesses. It lets the employer track his next el phones ( and employee), he/she will know where it is how long it is there, how fast it is going. it runs about $20 a month per phone.
I have heard of a person catching his wife cheating on him using this service. he just put his next el phone in the car under the seat and was able to tell just where his wife was.
I can see this working great for parents with teenage kids.
all this new stuff is great, but what price are we really paying for it?