Author Topic: Bisley shooting left fixed. Another dang question  (Read 515 times)

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Offline ppcrusa

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Bisley shooting left fixed. Another dang question
« on: January 08, 2005, 01:58:19 PM »
Alright alright.. I fixed my Bisley shooting left problem..
Here is how I did that:
Took off the front sight. Removed some metal from the right side of the front sight(looking at the front of the sight).. Inserted a .015 shim under the sight, and reinstalled the sight. Now when I adjust the sights it really goes to the right. Still have to put the rear sight all the way over just about but it works now. POA EQUALS POI.
That doesn't help this lead shaving crap though. Me and my wife shot the little Bisley today. We put around 200 rounds through it today. I'm here to tell ya, it took me near two hours to clean that thing. In the forcing cone there was a nice "CHUNK" of lead. It all came out in one big heap.  Underneath the topstrap also a monumental amount of lead. And the cylinder face? hahaha. We won't go there. It was even spraying lead onto the Bisley etching on the cylinder.  This can't be normal.  
I guess there is no way around it.. If I want to keep the gun it needs to go to Ruger. Question is, would they fix that leading problem right? Or just halfass it to death? As it stands, the gun shoots a nice group. I'd hate to send it to them and have it come back shooting shotgun groups.

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Bisley shooting left fixed. Another dang qu
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2005, 04:10:53 PM »
the problems could be related. If your cyl is not lined up with the forcing cone your probablys shaving lead off the bullets when there hitting the forcing cone this could very likely be causeing you gun to shoot to one side or the other. Id send it in with a through decription of the problem and at least give them a chance to fix it.
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Bisley shooting left fixed. Another dang qu
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 03:40:41 AM »
Id send it in with a through decription of the problem and at least give them a chance to fix it.

give them the chance to fix their mistake.   if nothing else, you wont have to pay for it.   and it should take about two months.

Offline ppcrusa

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Bisley shooting left fixed. Another dang qu
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2005, 12:56:30 PM »
Gee. Two months?  That reminds me of my last reaming.. err.. I mean SERVICE EXPERIENCE with a gun manufacturer. That one did not go well, and that gun I no longer own.
I will see about sending this thing in. I don't know when I will have a chance to "walk it up to a service counter" though.  Nearest one is about 40miles away.

In the past I have had real good luck with Ruger's service. Seems they at least try to fix things.
Of course, there is that GP-100 I own they "fixed" that has a muzzle that looks like someone took a die grinder to it. Still shoots like crap. Think I will send them both in.