John.41, would you take a measurement from the rear of barrel lug cut out on each barrel to the rear of the barrel lug. Take each of these measurements on a line parallel to the axis of the bore and let us know what they are. Also please measure the total length of each barrel lug and and advise what those measurements are. Lastly tell us what is inscribed on the barrel you bought, everything on it. Thanks, perhaps we can get to the bottom of this and see if it can be fitted....<><.... :grin:
Unless that barrel has been buggered up there is no reason to thin you got taken, if it is just one of those that cannot be fit easily to your gun you can always sell it here for $30.00, about the going rate for a used smoothbore barrel, no great deal but not excessive either. Does the barrel close into the receiver? If so how much space between the standing breech face and the rear of the chamber end of the barrel? If you can't measure it (feeler gauges are a good way, it should be between .001 and about .003") try putting pieces of computer printer paper or typing paper in between the barrel and breech and see how many fit, let us know that also...